'분류 전체보기'에 해당되는 글 471건

  1. 2006.04.16 캐럿보이넷 :: 검색로봇을 막는 법(robot.txt작성법) 2
  2. 2006.04.16 캐럿보이넷 :: 싸이월드 사용을 최소화하며 방명록을 사용하는 방법
  3. 2006.04.11 캐럿보이넷 :: 잊을 수 없는 첫사랑에 대해서 - 트래비 컬럼 2006년 4월 3일호
  4. 2006.04.09 캐럿보이넷 :: 파스칼
  5. 2006.04.09 캐럿보이넷 :: 포트란(Fortran)
  6. 2006.04.09 캐럿보이넷 :: RM-COBOL
  7. 2006.04.09 캐럿보이넷 :: 베이직
  8. 2006.04.07 캐럿보이넷 :: 탐색기에서 오른쪽버튼 누르면 나오는 컨텍스트 메뉴에 항목추가하기. 1
  9. 2006.04.07 캐럿보이넷 :: 콘솔창 띄워 출력하기, 파일에 출력하기
  10. 2006.04.07 캐럿보이넷 :: 음악 Play용 태그ㅎ 1
  11. 2006.04.06 캐럿보이넷 :: 해싱(Hashing)
  12. 2006.04.03 캐럿보이넷 :: 갑자기 아픈데 약이 없다면?…경혈 눌러보세요
  13. 2006.04.01 캐럿보이넷 :: 한국남녀 평균 얼굴 2
  14. 2006.03.31 캐럿보이넷 :: 파일검색(FindFirstFile, FindNextFile, FndClose)
  15. 2006.03.30 캐럿보이넷 :: [펌] Visual Studio .Net 단축키 모음 1
  16. 2006.03.26 캐럿보이넷 :: 부팅과정을 없애기 위한 Idea?? 6
  17. 2006.03.24 캐럿보이넷 :: [펌] 데이지..
  18. 2006.03.22 캐럿보이넷 :: dll내의 함수내용 보기..
  19. 2006.03.21 캐럿보이넷 :: 웹페이지 자동 이동하기
  20. 2006.03.20 캐럿보이넷 :: yum에서 설치 에러시 GPG key 받기
  21. 2006.03.20 캐럿보이넷 :: 또래 미니홈피?? 5
  22. 2006.03.12 캐럿보이넷 :: 척 노리스(Chuck Norris)에 관한 사실들.. 1
  23. 2006.03.12 캐럿보이넷 :: 무료라이브러리 모음
  24. 2006.03.06 캐럿보이넷 :: 지우개..
  25. 2006.02.28 캐럿보이넷 :: 자기가 생각한 숫자가 나오는 신기한 구슬 깨부수기!
  26. 2006.02.28 캐럿보이넷 :: 한메일(다음메일)로 메일 보내기
  27. 2006.02.27 캐럿보이넷 :: 여자친구 사진 예쁘게 찍는 ‘비법’ 2
  28. 2006.02.22 캐럿보이 :: 서부경남쪽 사투리??
  29. 2006.02.21 캐럿보이넷 :: BMW의 자동주차시스템 2
  30. 2006.02.17 캐럿보이넷 :: 개발자를 위한 검색엔진 왕림- 두둥~
최근 야후봇에 너무 당해서(?) robot.txt를 작성하다가, 저처럼 검색노가다를 하실 테터유저분들이 많으실 것같아서 검색한 정보를 올려봅니다.

검색로봇의 접근을 막는 방법입니다. 로봇을 배제하겠다라는 내용을 적어 놓은 robots.txt 파일을 사이트의 최상위 주소(서버 루트 디렉토리 예:www.naver.com/robots.txt)에 저장하면 됩니다.

robots.txt를 서브디렉토리에 놓는 경우 효력이 없다는 사실에 주의하세요.

예를 들어, www.yourhost/~mypage 밑에 robots.txt가 있어도 이는 아무런 효력을 갖지 못합니다. 로봇은 오직 루트 디렉토리의 robots.txt만을 참조할 뿐입니다. 로봇의 접근을 어디까지 허용할 것이냐에 따라 robots.txt에 들어가는 내용은 달라집니다.

(1) 모든 로봇을 배제하고 싶을 때

User-agent: *
Disallow: /

(2) 모든 로봇을 허용하고 싶을 때

이 경우에는 “robots.txt”를 작성할 필요가 없으나, 굳이 작성을 하자면 다음과 같습니다. (Ex1과 비교했을 때 “/”가 빠져 있습니다.)

User-agent: *

(3) 모든 로봇에게 서버의 일부분만을 제한하고 싶을 때

User-agent: *
Disallow: /my_photo/
Disallow: /my_diary/

이렇게 작성하면 로봇은 my_photo, my_diary라는 폴더에 속한 웹문서에 접근할 수 없습니다.

(4) 특정 로봇만을 배제하고 싶을 때

User-agent: EvilRobot
Disallow: /

위의 예에서는 “EvilRobot”이라는 이름을 가진 로봇만을 배제하게 됩니다.

(5) 특정 로봇에게만 접근을 허용하고 싶을 때

User-agent: 검색로봇이름
User-agent: *
Disallow: /

이 경우 Cowbot만이 웹문서를 수집해갈 수 있습니다.

ECT)메타테그에 정보를 넣는 방법도 있습니다.


테터 index.php에 넣어야 하는지, 스킨의 skin.html에 넣어야 하는지는 잘 모르겠습니다. 세가지의 정확한 차이도 잘 모르겠구요(팁란에 올리면서 이런 멘트.. 죄송합니다.;;)

검색로봇의 이름
네이버    cowbot
구글        Googlebot
msn로봇  MSNBot
야후봇    Slurp
엠파스봇 empas
첫눈봇     1Noonbot 1.0

출처 http://www.tattertools.com/bbs/view.php?id=tip&no=165 [ 라온수카이 ( http://raonsky.com ) 님의 글 ]
Posted by 장안동베짱e :
블로그에만 올려놓고 놔두기엔 좀 아깝다(?)라는 생각이 들어서 올려봅니다.

블로거들의 성향이 대부분 미니홈피를 잘 사용하지는 않지만, 인맥유지와 클럽때문에 어쩔 수 없이 사용하고 있다고 생각됩니다.

안그러시다구요? 저는 그런데... ;;;

본론으로 들어가서..

SK가 싸이월드를 PDA등의 화면에 맞춤형으로 바꿔 서비스를 하는 걸 이용한 방법입니다.


위의 싸이트가 메인 페이지인데 로그인후엔 잡다한 거 없이 "홈, 사진첩, 게시판, 방명록" 메뉴만 존재하며, 노프레임방식으로 되어 있어서 각 메뉴별로 다른 주소를 가집니다.

홈 : http://swing.cyworld.nate.com/cymain.asp
(로그인을 하지 않았을 경우 바로 로그인 페이지가 뜹니다.)

사진첩 : http://swing.cyworld.nate.com/album/abview.asp?hpid=싸이월드회원식별번호

게시판 : http://swing.cyworld.nate.com/bbs/bslist.asp?hpid=싸이월드회원식별번호

방명록 : http://swing.cyworld.nate.com/gbook/gbview.asp?hpid=싸이얼드 회원식별번호

저 같은 경우엔 딴 거 필요없이 방명록만 사용하기 때문에 링크메뉴에 아래와 같이 넣어서 사용중입니다.^^

<a href="#" onClick="window.open('http://swing.cyworld.nate.com/gbook/gbview.asp?hpid =싸이월드회원식별번호', '', 'width=380, height=510, scrollbars=auto')"> 싸이방명록</a>

허접하지만, 테터유저들에게 모두 도움이 되길 바랍니다

출처 http://www.tattertools.com/bbs/view.php?id=tip&no=167 [ 라온수카이 ( http://raonsky.com ) 님의 글 ]
Posted by 장안동베짱e :
'첫사랑’이란 문구를 봤을 때 다들 나름대로 첫사랑에 대한 아련한 추억들이 떠오르게 될 것이다.

같이했던 아련한 순간들, 뜻대로 되지 않았던 안타까웠던 순간들과 함께 이런 순간들의 배경으로 깔리던 거리와 날씨, 시간 등등, 이런 것들까지 아주 생생하게 눈앞에 펄쳐지듯 떠오르곤 할 것이다.

이러한 기억들은 첫 번째로 경험하는 순수하고 지극한 사랑이기에 우리를 더욱 설레게 하고 또한 이루지 못했던 아쉬움으로 인해 우리의 마음을 많이 아프게도 한다.

이러한 이유로 첫사랑은 소설, 드라마와 영화에서 사람들을 빨아들이는 단골 소재가 되고 있는 것이다.
그렇다면 왜 사람들은 첫사랑을 잊지 못하는 것일까?

첫사랑은 앞서 말했듯이 아주 강렬하게 감정을 자극한다.

이 순간 심장은 터질듯이 뛰고 손에는 땀이 나면서 떨리는 등 교감 신경 활성화가 극대화 된다.

이런 상황에서 이루어지는 첫 번째 키스나 사랑 고백은 아주 강력한 감정을 일으키게 된다.

이런 아주 강렬한 감정들은 이때 펼쳐졌던 주변 상황들(눈이 오는 밤 기차 속, 아니면 밤 안개가 깔려 있는 한강 고수부지 등등)을 아주 생생하게 우리 뇌 속에서 각인시키게 된다.

예를 들면 2002년 월드컵에서 안정환의 골드 골, 홍명보의 4강 진출 확정하는 승부차기 순간 또는 WBC에서 이종범이 2점짜리 안타를 날렸을 때 우리가 어디서 무엇을 하고 있었는지 생생하게 기억하는 것도 첫사랑과 같은 강렬한 경험을 하였기 때문에 우리 머릿속에서 남아 있는 것이다.

  이런 현상이 일어나는 사람의 대뇌 중에서는 감정과 관련된 영역이 있는데 이를 변연계라고 한다.

  이중에서 아미그달라(amygdala)라고 불리는 곳이 있는데 이 영역이 강렬한 상황의 순간 활성화가 되면서 감정과 관련된 순간들이 기억에 남게 되는 것이다.

  사람은 살아가면서 수없이 많은 순간에 부딪치게 된다. 이런 순간들을 다 기억하는 것은 불가능하여 우리 뇌는 망각이란 과정을 통해서 보다 새로운 것을 기억하기 위한 공간을 마련하게 된다.

  그러나 사람의 뇌는 만 30세를 지나면서 노화하게 되고 뇌의 용량이 작아지면서 새로운 것을 기억할 수 있는 능력이 적어지게 된다.

  또한 여기에 조금씩 연륜이 생기면서 평정심을 잃지 않아 강렬하게 감정을 자극할 만한 것 또한 줄어들게 된다. 그러니 어린 시절을 더 많이 기억하는 것은 당연한 일이다.

  이러하니 첫사랑은 잊고 싶어도 잊을 수가 없는 것이다.

  그러니 사람들이 잊기 위해서 여러 가지로 노력한다는 것은 헛수고일 뿐이다.

  따라서 다시 과거로 돌아가서 이루고 싶은 첫사랑이 있다면 나에게도 그런 첫사랑이 있다는 사실을 순순히 받아들이고 아름답게 승화시켜 추억에 잠겨 보는 여유를 누려 보시길 바란다.

출처 사랑샘터 소아신경정신과( http://www.wellmind.co.kr )
Posted by 장안동베짱e :

볼랜드의 델파이의 전신이 파스칼이다.
DOS시절때에는 C와 더불어 범용 프로그래밍 언어로 각광을 받았다.
C에 Turbo-C가 있었다면, 파스칼에는 Turbo-Pascal이 있어 쌍벽(?)을 이뤘다.

델파이가 있다지만, 현재에는 거의 사용되지 않는 언어다.

용량이 커서 링크만 표시했다.

Borland Turbo Pascal Compiler

GNU Pascal Compiler

Free Pascal


출처 http://blog.naver.com/myunggyu/60020414223
Posted by 장안동베짱e :

포트란은 오래된 프로그래밍언어이지만 아직까지도 현업에 과학계산용으로 많이 쓰이고 있다.
물리학 계열에서 많이 쓰인다고는 하나,
범용 컴파일러는 아니므로 일반적인 IT기업에서는 전혀 사용되지 않는다.

현재 77를 넘어 90스펙까지 나왔지만, 77를 기준으로 공부하면 되겠다.
77에 비해 90은 소스코드 작성시 컬럼에 맞춰 코딩해야 하는 코딩규칙을 완화하는 등
유연성이 높아졌다.

현재 상용 포트란 컴파일러 아래 2개 제품이 유명하다.

Compaq Visual Fortran
Microsoft Visual Studio의 IDE에 통합되어 사용할 수 있으므로 사용이 무척 편리하다.
현재 컴팩이 HP와 통합된 관계로 6.6버전을 마지막으로 더 이상 출시되지 않는다.
해서, 인텔 포트란 컴파일러로 이전되는 추세이다.
구URL: http://www.compaq.com/fortran/

Intel Visual Fortran
사용해보지 않았음

무료 컴파일러는 gcc를 설치하면 사용할 수 있다.
별다른 것이 없다면 리눅스에서 g77, f77 명령어로 사용할 수 있다.

GNU Fortran G77 for Win32
* 사용법은 파일내의 readme1.txt를 참조

1. 압축파일을 풀면 G77폴더가 생김
2. G77폴더에서 g77setup.bat를 수정하고 실행(C:\G77로 되어 있는 부분을 압축을 푼 디렉토리로 지정)
3. g77로 컴파일/실행

D:\temp>type a.f
C 1에서 10까지 합을 구함
     integer sum
     n = 10
     sum = 0
10    n = n + 1
     sum = sum + n
     if(n .lt. 10) goto 10
     write(6,60) sum
60    format(2X, '실행결과: ', I2)
D:\temp>g77 a.f

  실행결과: 11


출처 http://blog.naver.com/myunggyu/60020414151
Posted by 장안동베짱e :

RM/COBOL-85 Compiler - Version 5.01.06 for DOS 2.00+
윈도에서 마땅한 코볼 컴파일러도 없고, 도스용이라 컴파일이 느림


D:\>type gugudan.cbl
      PROGRAM-ID.         GUGUDAN.
      DATA                DIVISION.
      FILE                SECTION.
      01  PRINT-R PIC X(80).
      77 I PIC 99.
      77 J PIC 99.
      77 K PIC 99.
      01 TITLE.
          02 FIL PIC X(3)  VALUE SPACE.
          02 FIL PIC X(20) VALUE ">>> 구 구 단 <<<".
      01 GUGUDAN.
          02 FIL PIC X(8) VALUE SPACE.
          02 GI  PIC 9.
          02 FIL PIC X(3) VALUE " * ".
          02 GJ  PIC 9.
          02 FIL PIC X(3) VALUE " = ".
          02 GK  PIC Z9.
      PROCEDURE           DIVISION.
              VARYING I FROM 2 BY 1 UNTIL I > 9
              AFTER   J FROM 1 BY 1 UNTIL J > 9.
          CLOSE PRINT-F.
          STOP RUN.
          COMPUTE K = I * J.
          MOVE I TO GI.
          MOVE J TO GJ.
          MOVE K TO GK.

D:\>rmcobol gugudan.cbl
RM/COBOL-85 Compiler - Version 5.01.06 for DOS 2.00+.
Copyright (c) 1985, 1990 by Ryan McFarland Corp.  All rights reserved.
Registration number: GK-0390-00000-99
Total generated object size:        748 (X"000002EC") bytes
Errors: 0, Warnings: 0, Lines: 47 for program GUGUDAN.
Compilation complete -- Programs: 1, Errors: 0, Warnings: 0.

D:\>run gugudan.cob
RM/COBOL-85 Runtime - Version 5.01.06 for DOS 2.00+.
Configured for 001 user.
Copyright (c) 1985, 1990 by Ryan McFarland Corp.  All rights reserved.
Registration Number: GL-0315-00034-01

D:\>type gugu.prn
  >>> 구 구 단 <<<
       2 * 1 =  2
       2 * 2 =  4
       2 * 3 =  6
       2 * 4 =  8
       2 * 5 = 10
       2 * 6 = 12
       2 * 7 = 14
       2 * 8 = 16
       2 * 9 = 18
       3 * 1 =  3
       3 * 2 =  6
       3 * 3 =  9
       3 * 4 = 12
       3 * 5 = 15
       3 * 6 = 18
       3 * 7 = 21
       3 * 8 = 24
       3 * 9 = 27
       4 * 1 =  4
       4 * 2 =  8
       4 * 3 = 12
       4 * 4 = 16
       4 * 5 = 20
       4 * 6 = 24
       4 * 7 = 28
       4 * 8 = 32
       4 * 9 = 36
       5 * 1 =  5
       5 * 2 = 10
       5 * 3 = 15
       5 * 4 = 20
       5 * 5 = 25
       5 * 6 = 30
       5 * 7 = 35
       5 * 8 = 40
       5 * 9 = 45
       6 * 1 =  6
       6 * 2 = 12
       6 * 3 = 18
       6 * 4 = 24
       6 * 5 = 30
       6 * 6 = 36
       6 * 7 = 42
       6 * 8 = 48
       6 * 9 = 54
       7 * 1 =  7
       7 * 2 = 14
       7 * 3 = 21
       7 * 4 = 28
       7 * 5 = 35
       7 * 6 = 42
       7 * 7 = 49
       7 * 8 = 56
       7 * 9 = 63
       8 * 1 =  8
       8 * 2 = 16
       8 * 3 = 24
       8 * 4 = 32
       8 * 5 = 40
       8 * 6 = 48
       8 * 7 = 56
       8 * 8 = 64
       8 * 9 = 72
       9 * 1 =  9
       9 * 2 = 18
       9 * 3 = 27
       9 * 4 = 36
       9 * 5 = 45
       9 * 6 = 54
       9 * 7 = 63
       9 * 8 = 72
       9 * 9 = 81


출처 http://blog.naver.com/myunggyu/60020413949
Posted by 장안동베짱e :


간단한 사용법
SYSTEM 베이직 종료
윈도자체에는 QBASIC이 설치되어 있으므로, 특별한 경우가 아니면 이 놈을 이용하도록 하자.
명령 프롬프트에서 qbasic.exe를 실행하면 됨.

베이직 정보

베이직 튜토리얼

출처 http://blog.naver.com/myunggyu/60020413537
Posted by 장안동베짱e :

알집, 윈집, winrar, MS오피스같은 프로그램을 깔면
탐색기나 바탕화면에서 파일 선택후 마우스 오른쪽버튼을 누르면 컨텍스트 메뉴에
그 프로그램과 관련 된 메뉴가 뜨는것을 본적이 있을거에요..

저도 그걸 보고
아.. 접때 보니깐 알집에서 cmd콘솔에서 명령어로 압축하기를 지원한다고 본적이 있는거 같아

폴더이름_날짜 형식으로 압축하기(&D) 를 추가할 수 있게 만들면
무척 편할거 같단 생각을 했었어요..

울희 살람들 성격급해서 그 기능 나올때까지 가만 못 참고 기다리잖아요 -_-;;
당장 해당프로그램 제작할려고 자료를 수집했죠- ㅋ
일단 결과 부터 얘기 하자면..... 실패 -_-;

간단히 레지스터리 살살 어루고 달래져줘서 하면 될줄 알았는데..
COM에다 ATL같은 중상위 스킬(고내-_-기준)이 필요하더라구요;;
지금 COM수업을 듣고 있는데..
이번학기가 끝나면 나올 수 있겠...죠?;;;;

암튼 해당분야에 관심 있으신분이나
나중에 다시 한번 볼 절위해서 자료를 남김니다.

Posted by 장안동베짱e :
#include "DebugTracer.h"

DebugTracer dt( DebugTracer::DTType_Console );
dt << "string" << 0 << "\n";

DebugTracer dt( DebugTracer::DTType_File );
dt << "string" << 0 << "\n";

디버깅할때 유용한 놈입니다.
소스 출처는..
클릭하세요 시리즈에서, 게임서버어쩌고 였었던거 같은데..
확실히 기억이 안나네요^^;
Posted by 장안동베짱e :

<EMBED invokeURLs=false EnableContextMenu=false autostart=true autostart="false" AllowScriptAccess="never" invokeURLS='false' style="FILTER: alpha(opacity=100 Style=3 FinishOpacity=2)gray()" src=▶주소◀ width=70 height=25 type="text/plain; charset=EUC-KR" volume="0" loop="7">

심플하게 생겼길래
http://blog.naver.com/sarang404/140022310179 에서 살짝 소스 긁었어요^^ㅎ
Posted by 장안동베짱e :

  1 해싱의 개념

  • 파일을 구성하거나 특정 자료를 검색할 때 다른 검색 방법에서처럼 키 값들을 비교하면서 찾는 것이 아니라 해싱 함수로 계산된 키 값이 지적하는 주소로 직접 접근(key to  address transformation)

  • 키 값을 주소를 변환해 주는 것을 사상(mapping)이라 함

  • 이 때 해싱 함수로 계산된 값에 해당하는 위치에 각 레코드를 기억시킨  표를 해시표(hash table)라 함

  • 해시표는 해싱 함수에 의해 계산된 값(주소)에 레코드를 기억시키는 여러 개의 버킷(bucket)들로 구성된 기억 공간

  • 각 버킷은 하나 이상의 슬롯(slot)으로 구성되며, 각 레코드는 이 슬롯에 저장된다.

  • 해시표는 시작 주소에서 각 버킷들을 연속된 주소를 가짐

  • 해싱 함수는 여러 키들의 계산 결과 값들이 해시표의 정해진 범위에 고르게 분포하도록 해주는 함수이어야 한다

  • 해싱 함수의 조건

  ① 계산이 빠르고 쉬워야 한다.

  ② 서로 다른 값을 갖는 키들에 대한 결과 값들은 서로 중복되지 않아야 함

  • 만약 위의 두 번째 조건이 잘 맞지 않는 함수

        → 같은 주소를 생성해서 충돌(collision)을 일으킴

        → 충돌이 일어난 레코드들을 동의어(synonym)이라 한다 

  • 과잉 상태(overflower):해당 버킷에 더 이상 레코드를 저장할 수 없을 때

  • 만약 버킷 당 슬롯의 개수가 1개라면

        → 충돌과 과잉 상태가 동시에 발생한다.

그림 8.1 해싱

  2 해싱 함수의 종류

1) 나눗셈 법(division method)

  • 레코드의 키 값 k를 해시 테이블의 크기 m으로 나누어 그 나머지를 버킷 주소로 사용

                          h(k) = k mod m

  • 나눗셈법에서는 m의 선택이 중요함

      → 보통 버킷 크기에 가장 가까운 소수(prime number)로 정한다

  • 예) 키 값 : 12345

       버킷의 수 : 5,000 일 때 버킷 주소

            →  나머지 값 2347이 버킷 주소가 된다

                 12345 ÷ 4999 = 몫 2 -- 나머지 2347

  2) 중간 제곱법(mid-square)

  • 키 값을 제곱하여 제곱된 값의 중간 부분을 선택

               →  버킷 주소로 하는 방법

  • 예) 키 값 : 700478

        버킷수 : 5000일 때 버킷 주소

               →   4706이 버킷 주소

                    7004782 = 4907 9412 1489

                       9412 * 0.5 = 4706


3) 접는 법(folding)

  • 키를 여러 부분으로 나누고 각 부분의 값을 더하여 버킷 주소를 계산

  • 이동 접지(shift folding) : 접는 법을 각 부분의 우측 끝을 맞추어 더한 값을 버킷 주소로 함

  • 경계 접지(bounding folding) : 인접되어있는 부분을 역으로 더하는 방법

4) 숫자 분석법

  • 비트 추출법(bit extraction method)이라고도 함

  • 키를 분석하여 중복이 많이 발생하는 자릿수를 제외하고

                   중복이 발생하지 않는 자릿수를 선택하여

               → 버킷 주소로 하는 방법

  • 예) 다음 레코드 키 값에 대해 버킷 크기가 1000일 때 숫자 분석법을 적용  → 버킷 주소 선택

5) 기수 변환법(radix exchange method)

  • 레코드의 키 값을 다른 진법으로 간주하고

        이 키 값을 10진수로 변환 후

           →  필요한 자릿수만 선택하면 된다

  • 예) 다음 레코드 키 값 576143에 대해 기수 변환법을 적용

           → 버킷 주소를 계산 ( 여기서 버킷 크기는 1000이다.)

(576153)16 = (5726531)

5 * 165 + 7 * 164 + 6 * 163 + 1 * 162 + 4 * 161 + 3 * 160   =   5726531

     ⇒   버킷의 크기가 1000  하위 3자리만 선택

              →  531이 버킷 주소가 된다

6) 무작위법(pseudo random method)

  • 난수 발생 프로그램을 이용하여 난수(random number)를 발생

        →  이 난수를 버킷 주소로 사용

  • 만약 충돌이 발생하면 다음 난수를 사용

  3 과잉 상태의 처리

  • 충돌(collision)은 버킷에 레코드를 저장할 때

        →  서로 다른 레코드가 같은 버킷 주소에 대응될 때 발생

            이 주소에는 이미 다른 레코드가 저장되어 있으므로

                현재 계산된 버킷 주소에는 레코드를 저장할 수가 없다

         →  이 현상을 충돌이라 한다

  • 해결 방법 : 다른 버킷 주소를 할당해서 그 주소에 레코드를 저장하는 것

  • 과잉 상태(overflow) 처리 : 충돌을 유발한 레코드를 저장할 다른 기억 장소를 계산해 충돌을 해결하는 과정

  • 과잉 상태 처리 방법 : 다음과 같다

1) 선형 방법(linear method)

  •  충돌이 일어난 버킷 주소에서

        →  다음 주소를 차례로 탐색하여 처음으로 나오는 빈 버킷에 충돌이 일어난 레코드를 저장

  • 단순하며 간단

  • 그러나 다음 주소를 찾는 탐색 시간이 많이 소요

    버킷에 저장되어 있던 레코드를 삭제할 경우

       →  레코드가 충돌 레코드인 경우에 연결 정보가 사라지게 된다

  • 그러므로 특정 비트를 두어 레코드가 삭제되었음을 표시되게 하면 된다

2) 2차 검색 (quadratic probing method)

  • 충돌이 발생한 자리에서부터

       →   d2(d=1, 2, 3…) 즉, 1, 4, 9,… 만큼 떨어진 곳을 차례대로 탐색

               처음 나오는 빈 버킷에 충돌을 발생시킨 레코드를 저장

  • 매우 간단

  • 레코드들이 일정한 주소를 중심으로 뭉치는 것 → 어느 정도 방지 가능

  3) 난수 검색법(random probing method)

  • 난수를 발생 → 버킷 주소로 택하여 충돌을 해결

     4) 해시 연쇄 처리법(hash chaining)

  •  충돌이 발생한 레코드들을 연결 리스트로 연결하여

          → 같은 버킷에 할당되는 레코드들을 체인으로 연결한 것

  •  연결 리스트의 사용으로 삽입이나 삭제가 용이

  • 충돌이 발생한 레코드를 찾기 위해 버킷을 검색할 때

            → 그 시간을 줄일 수 있다

원본 : http://blog.naver.com/post/postView.jsp?blogId=aram96&logNo=20010709841&from=search
Posted by 장안동베짱e :
《“약도 없고 의사도 없고 이럴 땐 경혈을 자극하세요.” 외출했을 때 또는 집에서 혼자 있을 때 발목이 삐거나 옆구리가 결리는 등 갑작스러운 질환 때문에 고생해 본 적이 있을 것이다. 이때 경혈을 자극하는 간단한 한의학적인 응급처치는 일시적으로 증세를 감소시키는 데 도움을 줄 수 있다. 경혈 지압법은 해당 부위에 약간 통증을 느낄 정도의 강도로 3초씩 10회 반복하면 효과적이다. 누구나 따라 할 수 있는 한의학적 응급치료에 대해 경희대 한방병원 침구과 김창환 교수, 하늘빛한의원 이승교 원장의 도움말로 알아봤다.》

○ 구역질이나 멀미가 올 때

차를 오래 타거나 배를 타면 진동이 자율신경계의 일시적인 변화를 가져와 구역질이 나거나 기분이 불쾌해진다. 이럴 땐 팔 안쪽 손목의 중심선상에서 위쪽으로 손가락 두 마디 정도 올라간 부분인 내관을 지압해 주면 도움이 된다.

○ 편도가 부었을 때

감기에 걸리거나 목을 많이 사용한 뒤 침을 삼키는 데 통증을 느낄 때 사용하면 도움이 된다. 좌우 쇄골 사이에 오목하게 들어간 부분인 천돌을 쇄골 방향으로 밀어 넣듯이 지압한다. 또 양쪽 엄지와 검지의 첫 번째 뼈마디 바로 밑 부분인 삼간을 아플 정도로 자극하면 통증 감소에 도움을 준다. 구강청결제로 입안을 자주 씻어 주는 것도 도움이 된다.

○ 발목을 삐었을 때

등산하다가 돌부리에 걸려 넘어지거나 계단에 넘어져 발목을 접질렸을 경우엔 냉찜질과 압박붕대로 먼저 발목을 교정해 주는 것이 좋다. 통증이 있으면 바깥쪽 복사뼈 앞의 아랫부분에 오목하게 들어간 부위인 구허를 지압한다. 발목이 너무 많이 부어 있을 때는 피한다. 이 외에 목 뒤쪽의 풍지나 삔 발의 반대쪽 엄지손가락과 집게손가락 뼈가 만나는 합곡혈을 자극해도 도움이 된다.

○ 눈이 충혈되고 피로할 때

책이나 컴퓨터 모니터를 많이 보는 회사원 또는 수험생들이 사용하면 효과적이다. 눈을 많이 사용해서 오는 단순한 눈의 피로엔 눈 주위의 경혈을 자극하는 것이 효과적이다. 관자놀이라고 불리는 태양과 눈 안쪽과 콧날 사이에 오목하게 들어간 정명을 지압해 주면 좋다.

○ 소화가 안 될 때

소화가 안 되면 어머니들이 엄지손가락 손톱 뿌리 바깥쪽을 바늘을 이용해 따 줬다. 그러나 바늘은 세균 감염의 위험이 있고 통증이 심하기 때문에 되도록 피하는 것이 좋다. 대신 합곡혈과 엄지발가락과 둘째 발가락 뼈가 만나는 부위인 태충을 강하게 지압하면 도움이 된다.

○ 옆구리가 결릴 때

골프를 치거나 심한 스트레칭을 한 뒤 옆구리가 심하게 아플 때가 있다. 이땐 지압과 동시에 갈비뼈 사이를 따라서 마사지를 하는 것이 효과적이다. 오른쪽 옆구리가 결리면 왼쪽의 지구(손등 쪽 손목 관절에서 손가락 4마디 위쪽으로)와 양릉천(무릎 외측)을 지압하면 10초 이내에 증세가 호전된다.

출처 http://news.nate.com/Service/natenews/ShellView.asp?ArticleID=2006040303035592121&LinkID=7&showLayer=1&lsection=GEN&NC=NO
Posted by 장안동베짱e :

왼쪽은 100년전 한국인 남녀의 평균이고,
오른쪽은 현재의 한국인 남녀의 평균이랍니다.

여자는 왠지 쌍꺼풀이 없으니 무지 허전하네요.. -_-흐흐
요즘 인조인간들이 많아설까요? ㅎㅎ

그나저나 남자 평균 무지 하게 잘생겼는데요? -_- 제길..

원본 http://blog.naver.com/beauniverse/80018229070
Posted by 장안동베짱e :

파일검색은 몇개나 될지도 모르는 파일들을 반복적으로 검색해야 하므로 함수 하나만으로고 검색할수 없으며 다음 세 함수를 조합해 파일을 검색한다.

HANDLE  FindFirstFile(LPCTSTR lpFileName, LPWIN32_FIND_DATA lpFindFileData);  :: MSDN보기
BOOL    FindNextFiie(HANDLE hFindFile, LPWIN32_FIND_DATA lpFindFileData);  :: MSDN보기
BOOL     FindClose(HANDLE hFindFile);  :: MSDN보기

함수는 검색을 시작하는 역활을 한다.(검색식, 이곳에 구조체 정보 대입)
FindNextFile 함수는 이어지는 검색을 한다.(검색핸들, 저장할 구조체)
FIndClose 검색이 종료된후에 검색 핸들을 해제한다.

==>FindFirstFile 함수는 검색식을 전달받아 첫번째 검색을 하며 그결과로 검색 핸들을 생성한다.
    FindNextFile 함수는 검색 핸들의 정보를 참조하여 다음 검색을 계속해 나가며 더이상 파일이
    발견되지 않으면 0을 리턴한다.

WIN32_FIND_DATA  findFileData;
HANDLE hFileHandle;
BOOL bResult;
char m_szDir[MAX_PATH] = "C:\\temp\\*.*";
// szDir에 뒤지고자 하는 디렉토리의 경로명을 준다. 예를 들면 "C:\\TEMP\\*.*"

hFileHandle = FindFirstFile(m_szDir, &findFileData);

// 파일을 못 찾은 경우
if( hFileHandle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE )
    return -1;

while( bResult )
    // 찾은 파일의 이름은 cFileName 필드로 들어온다.
    원하는 코드를 넣는다.

    // 다음 파일을 찾는다.
    bResult = FindNextFile(hFileHandle, &findFileData);

원본 http://blog.naver.com/12whoonw12?Redirect=Log&logNo=110001871239
Posted by 장안동베짱e :

Visual Studio 6 단축키는 많이 있는데,
.NET용은 많지 않은것 같아 , 제가 모아보았습니다.
물론, 찾아봐도 되겠지만, 귀차니즘과 모르시는 분들이 많은것 같아
주위에 알려주기위해 정리해봤습니다.
현재 생각난것만 정리했고, 계속 추가하려고 합니다.

(2004.12.27 수정됨)

Ctrl-K, Ctrl-H : 바로가기 설정. ( 작업목록 창에서 확인가능 )
Ctrl-K,K : 북마크 설정 / 해제
Ctrl-K,L : 북마크 모두 해제
Ctrl-K,N : 북마크 다음으로 이동
Ctrl-K,P : 북마크 이전으로 이동
Ctrl-K,C : 선택한 블럭을 전부 코멘트
Ctrl-K,U : 선택한 블럭을 전부 언코멘트(코멘트 해제)
Ctrl-F3 : 현재 단어 찾기
  -> F3 : 다음 찾기

Ctrl-F7 : 현 파일만 컴파일
           : 현 프로젝트만 빌드
Ctrl-Shift-B : 전체 프로젝트 빌드
Ctrl-F5 : 프로그램 시작

Ctrl-i : 일치하는 글자 연속적으로 찾기
Ctrl+i 를 누르면 하단에 자세히보면, "증분검색" 이라는 텍스트가 나온다.
그러면 그때 찾기 원하는 단어를 입력할때마다 일치하는 위치로 바로바로
이동한다. (좋은기능)
타이핑은 "증분검색" 이라는 텍스트옆에 커서는 없지만 입력이된다.
입력하는 문자를 수정하려면, backspace로, 그만 찾으려면 엔터.

줄넘버 보여주기 : 도구 > 옵션 > 텍스트편집기 > 모든언어 > 자동줄번호 선택하면 됨.

Ctrl+ - (대시문자), Ctrl+Shift+ -  :
현재 커서를 기억하는 Ctrl+F3(VS6에서), Ctrl+K,K(VS7에서) 와는 달리
사용자가 별도로 입력을 해주는건 없고, 단지 이전에 커서가 있었던곳으로
위 키를 누를 때마다 이동된다. (shift를 이용하면 역순)

Ctrl-F12 : 커서위치 내용의 선언으로 이동( 즉, 대략 헤더파일 프로토타입으로 이동)

F12 : 커서위치 내용의 정의로 이동( 즉, 대략 CPP파일 구현부로 이동)

Shift+Alt+F12 : 빠른기호찾기 ( 이거 찾기보다 좋더군요. 함수나 define등 아무거나에서 사용)

F12: 기호찾기. (s+a+f12 비교해볼것)

Ctrl-M, Ctrl-L : 소스파일의 함수헤더만 보이기 (구현부는 감추고) (토글 키)
Ctrl-M, Ctrl-M : 현재 커서가 위치한 함수를 접는다/편다. (토글 키)

#include "파일명" 에서 "파일명" 파일로 바로 직접이동
하고 싶을경우 -> Ctrl-Shift-G

Ctrl-F : 찾기 대화상자
Ctrl-H : 바꾸기 대화상자
Ctrl-Shift-F : 파일들에서 찾기 대화상자
Ctrl-Shift-H : 파일들에서 바꾸기 대화상자
Ctrl-G : 해당 줄로 가기 (별로 필요없음)
Ctrl-K,Ctrl-F : 선택된 영역 자동 인덴트 (VS6의 Alt-F8기능)
Ctrl-] :괄호({,}) 쌍 찾기 : 괄호 앞이나 뒤에서 눌러서 닫거나,
여는 괄호이동
Ctrl-Shift-Spacebar : 함수이름편집중 툴팁으로나오는 함수와매개변수설명이 안나올경우, 강제로 나오게

alt-LButton ->Drag : 원하는 영역의 블럭을 세로로 잡기

Ctrl+Shift+R (키보드 레코딩) :
  가끔 연속된 연속기만으로는 부족한경우가 있다.
  이럴때, 몇번의 키동작으로 레코딩하여, 이것을 반복하고 싶은경우가있다.
  이때 Ctrl+Shift+R 을 누르고, 원하는 동작들을 수행후, 다시 Ctrl+Shift+R을
  눌러 종료한다.  이 중간동작을 원하는 위치에서 반복하고 싶다면
  Ctrl+Shift+P 를 누른다.

Ctrl+Shift+V (히스토리 붙이기) :
  Ctrl + V와는 달리 클립보드에 있는 복사된내용을 돌아가면서 붙여준다.
  따로 복사를 해주거나 할 필요는 없다. 그냥 Ctrl+C로 계속 원하는것을
  복사하면 된다.

Ctrl-Z : 이전으로 되돌리기

Ctrl-Shift-Z : 되돌렸다, 다시 복구하기

F5 : 디버그 시작
F9 :디버그 브렉포인트 설정
Ctrl-F9 : 현위치 설정된 브렉포인트 해제
Ctrl-Shift-F9 : 모든 브렉포인트 해
Shift-F5 : 디버그 빠져나오기
Ctrl-F10 : 커서가 있는곳까지 실행
Shift-F11 : 현 함수를 빠져나감.

Shift+Ctrl+B :  전체 빌드(프로젝트가 여러개있을경우 모두 빌드)
Alt+B, C : 해당 프로젝트만 정리.
Alt+B, U : 해당 프로젝트만 빌드.


Shift+Alt+Enter : 전체 창 (토글 됨)
F4 : 속성창 보여준다.
Ctrl+Alt+X : 리소스에디터 툴박스창
Ctrl+Alt+K : 작업목록 창.

* 참고로 저의 작업환경을 잡아봤습니다. 보시다시피, 툴바라던지 그런걸 모두 없앴습니다.

Posted by 장안동베짱e :

문득 든 생각이..
전원버튼을 누르면
메모리, 가상메모리 내용을 하드디스크 어딘가에 저장하고
전원이 차단되게 하고
다시 전원을 켜면 다시 로드되게하면,
컴퓨터 종료, 부팅과정이 필요 없게 할수 있지 않을랑가요?? -_-;

-Idea에 대한 태클환영;-
Posted by 장안동베짱e :

  솔직히 전지현의 모습을 보고자 선택한 영화인데....
  의외의 정우성의 모습에 반해 버렸다. 비트에서의 첫만남...
  첫만남이 좋아서 그런가? 최근의 새드 무비까지 정우성 남자지만
  너무 멋있는것 같다. 볼때마다 뭔가 모르는 카리스마가 느껴지는듯한..
  연기가 계속 늘어가는것 같다. 이번 영화로 감독에 관한걸 많이 배웠다고
  곧 감독으로 나올지도 모르지만 배우의 정우성을 계속 해서 보고싶은건..
  어쩌면......... 반해 버렸는지도....
  전지현도 점점 연기가 늘어가는것 같다. 영화를 너무 재미있게? 감동적으로? 봐서 그런가?
  많은 감동은 아니지만 뭔가 가슴 찡한... 뭔가를 주는데....
  역시 얼굴이 이뻐서 일까?.... 점점 기대가 되긴 하는데...
  영화는 돈의 값어치 이상인듯......

영화평 출처  : http://www.ajjiya.com/index.php?pl=116

나의 분신같은 우성이 행님과
홀리데이에서 딴딴해보이는 몸을 보여주셨던, 성재행님이 찍은영화라
무척 보고 싶었었는데..

"전지현 연기 무지 못한다! 전지현 2시간짜리 CF라더라. 돈아까워서 못보겠다"
그 말에..차마 보지 못하고 포기- OTL..

하지만 장동건, 정우성, 감우성, 이성재 영화는 날 실망시킨적이 없었던터라..
뭐.. 이제 극장 간판 내려갈 때 다됐는데,
어둠의 왕국(!)에서 돌아다닐때 다운받아봐야죠 뭐;;

아.. 싸움의 기술도 무지 보고 싶었었는데,
최근에 K언니님께서 모 행님한테 입수하셨단 소식을.. ㅎ
지금 한창 다운 받고 있던데..
오늘 저녁에 둘이 맥주한병씩 따면서 볼 수 있겠죠??ㅎㅎㅎㅎ 쵝오-   (o^^)b

Posted by 장안동베짱e :
DLL내의 함수내용을 보는 방법에는 여러가지가 있지만
몇가지를 소개하자면
Visual Studio안에 Depends란 툴을 이용해서 보면 되고요..

DLL show라는 프로그램이 유명하다고 그러던데,
설치해서 사용해야 되는것 같더라구요..
(우리 쌀람들 귀찮은거 싫어 하는거 알면서-)

난 Visual Studio도 안깔았고 DLLShow도 깔기 싫다 하시는분은
Windows에서 기본적으로 제공해주는 dumpbin명령어를 사용하시면 됩니다.
dumpbin /exports 파일명.dll 와 같은 방식으로 쓰면
중간에 ordinal hint rva 어쩌고 저쩌고 흐는 부분에 보면 함수명을 볼수 있습니다.
사용 방법은 아래와 같습니다.

Posted by 장안동베짱e :

<meta http-equiv='refresh' content='0; url=주소'>

Posted by 장안동베짱e :
rpm 설치시 GPG-key 에러시 다음과 같은 예로 key를 얻도록 한다. 예 1) rpm --import http://rpm.livna.org/RPM-LIVNA-GPG-KEY
예 2) rpm --import /usr/share/rhn/RPM-GPG-KEY-fedora
예 3) rpm --import /usr/share/doc/fedora-release-3/RPM-GPG-KEY
요즘 리눅스를 쓸일이 있어서 우분투를 깔아봤어요..
역시나.. 익숙하지도 않고 자료도 많이 없어서 좀 불편합디다-
나는 이미 레드햇 기반에 익숙해 져버린걸까요.. OTL
(우분투 날려버리고 fedora core3 로 바꿔 깔아주는 센스;)

출처 http://blog.naver.com/maner07/80021992201
Posted by 장안동베짱e :

오늘 문득 싸이에 "또래 미니홈피가기"란 메뉴를 발견했어요.

원래 "랜덤 미니홈피가기"였던거 같은데..

한번 눌러봤는데..

대략 이런 데로 연결 되는 겁니다ㅠㅠ
대체 이아줌마가 어딜봐서 내 또래라는 겁니까? -_-
아.. 맘상해-
분명 돈받고 저 홈피로 갈 확률 좀 높여준거겠지요..
그냥 예전처럼 "랜덤"이라고 써놓으면 기분이라도 안나쁘지..
아 괜히 울컥하네요;;
Posted by 장안동베짱e :

Posted by 장안동베짱e :
출처 블로그 > Ver 0.9
원본 http://blog.naver.com/mind2on/80003287819
Non-Commercial Libraries
This page attempts to incorporate products that are either free or mostly free. Libraries usually consist of either source code or object code that is intended to be incorporated into programs written by others, not standalone programs.


Zzip - The New Compressor A new archiver that uses a BWT algorithm to achieve superior compression. The author has now released the source code to zzip under the GPL.
TZipTV Delphi 32-bit component Rate
TZipTV returns to the programmer internal file information of files compacted within a compressed archive. Archives supported include ZIP, ARC, LZH, LHA, HA, RAR, PAK, ARJ, ZOO. Seperate extraction components included in this package are TUnZIP, TUnARJ, TUnARC, TUnLHA, TUnZOO. Also contains TUnSFX (exe to archive).
SQX Archiver! Rate
The folks at SpeedProject in Germany have created a developer's toolkit that gives you full access to the SQX format archives created by their Squeez and SpeedCommander utilities. The toolkit and DLLs are completely free.
aPlib Compression Library Rate
32bit pmode compression library based on the algorithm used in aPACK. Both the library and some samples are included on this page.
UniquE's RAR File Library Rate
The URARFileLib is a small library that allows you to read files from RAR archives created with RAR and WinRAR. Decompression and decryption with full RAR v2.0 compatibility is done directly in your application, thus there is no need for a DLL or any other external file. This file library is based on the free unRAR source code by Eugene Roshal, and designed for easy but powerful usage in demos and intros. This library is also useful if you want to port your demos since the URARFileLib supports multiple operating systems (Linux, SunOS, and Win32).
Update: As of June, 2002, The library is hosted at a new URL, has a new dual license, and improved samples for Win32, Linux, and UNIX.
Common Archives Library Project Rate
Home page for the Common Archivers Library project. This page is completely in Japanese, but an English version of the index is available at a single click. The goal of this project appears to be to provide standard library software that works with any and all archives. Good idea.
NuLib Home Page RateNuLib is a program for the Apple II which manipulates NuFx archives. The page is also the distribution site for NuLib2, and improved version of the program, and NufxLib, a programming library.
Delphi Zip RateDelphi Zip is a set of libraries for Delphi based on the Info-zip library releases.
Huffman Compression Engine RateThis program is currently capable of reading and extracting files made with LHA and other utilities that generate .lzh files, from -lh4- to -lh7-. The foundation of the algorithm for this program like ARJ is based on Haruhiko Okumura's work on ar002, which was the foundation of LHA. Unlike Haruhiko's work however, the dictionary size is dynamic and currently allows for dictionary sizes of up to 64KB. On larger files, compression of files is usually 0.5% to 5% tighter than PKzip, and work in progress will likely yield even better results. Files created with this utility natively create -lh7- signed archives, which on larger files results in slightly better compression than that of lha32 by Haruyasu Yoshizaki.
Delphi Skunkworks - Data Compression RateA page full of links to data compression resources for Delphi Programmers. Mostly libraries.
libcomprex - Comprex (de)compression library RateFrom the site: The libcomprex library transparently handles automatic compression and decompression of files. The API is similar to C's built-in file access functions, which provides a smooth transition to libcomprex. libcomprex can also open uncompressed files, making it a good replacement for the native file access functions.
CodeProject archiver - targets files and/or Win32 resources RateThis CodeProject article presents an archiver that moves files in and out of an archive, and will extract from resources as well. It doesn't support the standard Zip format, and in a blinding flash of frankness, the author says The code is crap but it works and I couldn't find it done anywhere else.

Arithmetic Coding

Carryless Rangecoder Rate
Mikael Lundqvist has adapted Dmitry Subbotin's C++ rangecoder to C. Michael says it is simple and fast.
One DataCompression.info commented that some more documentation would be helpful.
Pegasus ELS Sample Code RatePegasus has a patented range coder that they license at no charge. This archive contains some C code that provides a sample implementation.


The OpenH323 Project Rate
This open source project aims to create a free H.323 stack. The project was started as a reaction to the high cost of commercial implementations of audio and video compression code implementing the various components of H.323. Roger H. adds There are now several useful applications which use the library including OpenMCU (a reliable multi person conference server) and GnomeMeeting (a GTK/Gnome GUI client for Linux/BSD Unix.
Version 1.13.13 of OpenH323 shipped in Marh, 2004.
FLAC Source Code Rate
Source code to the FLAC library, command-line encoder/decoder, and player plugins. FLAC is an open-source lossless audio codec.
The LPAC Homepage Rate
LPAC is a codec for lossless compression of 8, 12, 16, 20, and 24 bit audio files. It has cross-platform support for Windows, Linux and Solaris. Direct playback of LPAC files is possible with a Winamp plug-in. A satisfied user tells the DCL Compression on the material I use is superior to the FLAC encoder.
RareWares AAC Page Rate
A nice collection of AAC software, including encoders, decoders, and miscellaneous plugins.
Hawk Software HawkVoice Rate
HawkVoice is a game oriented, multiplayer voice over network API released under the GNU Library General Public License (LGPL), with support for Linux/Unix and Windows 9x/ME/NT/2000. It is designed to be a portable, open source code alternative to DirectPlay(R) Voice in DX8.
The Ogg Vorbis CODEC project Rate
Ogg Vorbis is a fully Open, non-proprietary, patent-and-royalty-free, general-purpose compressed audio format for mid to high quality (8kHz-48.0kHz, 16+ bit, polyphonic) audio and music at fixed and variable bitrates from 16 to 128 kbps/channel. This places Vorbis in the same competetive class as audio representations such as MPEG-4 (AAC), and similar to, but higher performance than MPEG-1/2 audio layer 3, MPEG-4 audio (TwinVQ), WMA and PAC.
DataCompression.info reader Serge enthusiastically said: Hell! The best lossy codec to date!
Patent-Clear and Headache-Free Sound Format RateCharlie Cho reviews Ogg Vorbis for Web Techniques Magazine, February of 2002.
QuickTime Components Project RateThis site is dedicated to open source QuickTime development for popular open source audio and video codecs. We are currently working on Ogg Vorbis, an audio codec developed by Xiphophorus, and MNG, an animation video codec.
JMAC: Open Source Java Monkey's Audio Decoder/JavaSound SPI RateJMAC is a Java implementation of the Monkey's Audio decoder/JavaSound SPI. Currently, Monkey's Audio format up to 3.97 version supported. JMAC is distributed under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License.
Version 1.41 of JMAC is shipping as of May, 2004.
Dali RateDali is a project at Cornell that aims to create a programming environment dedicated to the manipulation of video, audio, and image data. Naturally, this includes multiple codecs for various data types.
Helix DNA Producer SDK Project Home Page RateThe Helix DNA Producer is a project that Real Networks has dropped into the open source space. Producer is a platform for creating streaming content and downloadable media files.
Maaate: The Australian audio analysis toolkit RateMaaate consists of a set of libraries that let you analyze the audio streams encoded in MPEG files. Besides simply parsing the audio out of MPEG files, it also does some sort of energy detection, silence analysis and more. But reading between the lines I think this library's strength is supposed to be a nice architecture that lets you easily add the modules you need for your work.
OptimFROG SDK RateFlorin Ghido has packaged his lossless compressor into a nice SDK - take advantage of his great audio compression in products of your own.
Foobar2000 RateFoobar2000 is a relatively new audio player for Windows PCs. It seems to be attracting a little bit of interest among the literati, perhaps because it is mostly open sourced. It has a nice list of features, including tremendous list of codec support, as well as some unusual ones, such as the ability to play files in Zip archives.
AC3Filter RateA DirectShow filter which will allow you to play AVI files containing AC3 encoded audio. A nice stream of releases with steady improvement.
Version 0.66b is shipping as of March, 2003.
FLAC - Free Lossless Audio Coder RateFLAC is an open-source project which specifies a lossless compressed audio format and provides an encoder, decoder, and several player plugins. Aside from yielding better compression than Shorten, the format supports sample-accurate seeking and many other features useful for streaming and archival.
Reader Colin B. says: Incredible lossless audio compression, depending on the source, of course. I have seen high-quality speech recordings compressed to 10% of the original size, losslessly..
FLAC 1.1.0 released in January, 2003. A good roster of new features for this coder, including updates for libraries and plugins.
MediaPipe RateMediaPipe is a flexible framework to manipulate media on MacOS X. It allows you to build decoding, filtering, encoding and even streaming pipelines that correspond exactly to your needs. Additionally, if a format is not supported, or a transformation missing, it features an SDK that allows you to quickly implement the pipe you want.
Tremor - Fixed Point Ogg Vorbis Decoder RateThe folks at Ogg Vorbis would like to see their audio format work its way into some hardware players. One good effort towards making this happen is a fixed=point implementation of the algorithm, which can then presumably be ported to machines using cheaper CPUs that lack the sophisticated FPUs of our desktop machines.
VorbisSPI RateVorbisSPI is a Java Service Provider Interface that adds OGG Vorbis audio format support to Java platform. It supports icecast streaming. It is based on JOrbis Java libraries.
Digital Audio Access Protocol, RateApple's iTunes 4.0 player is able to play music across a local network or the Internet, using a proprietary protocol. This protocol not only tells machines how to stream audio content, it provides access to playlists and track information as well. The folks at the Digital Audio Access Protocol project are determined to reverse engineer that protocol so they can use the iTunes protocol on other operating systems or platforms.
AVI File Support Library RateThis open source project gives you the ability to read and write AVI files under Linux. The really interesting part about all that is that this is done using the Win32 DLLs from Microsoft to do the compression and decompression. Clever!
The avifile component is shipping version 0.7.37 as of May, 2003.
OGG-S RateOGG-S is an open source project that aims to create a Digital Rights interface for all media files, but particularly for Ogg Vorbis.
This project is shippnig Beta 1 in March, 2003.

Burrows-Wheeler Transform/Block Sorting

Zzip - The New Compressor A new archiver that uses a BWT algorithm to achieve superior compression. The author has now released the source code to zzip under the GPL.
The bzip2 and libbzip2 official home page Rate
The home page for Julian Seward's great BWT projects: a compression program and a library. A prelease of bzip2 1.0 was released 4/15/00
Block Sorting Compression Algorithm RateThis is an academic project. A library and a sample program will be developed, that will implement the Burrows-Wheeler compression algorithm, using C++ and templates. This is the same algorithm for BZip.
libbzip2 for WinCE RateA version of libzip2 in source format for WinCE, along with demo code and project files. Ciprian Miclaus created this port along with one of zlib, and has made them available for all manking. Thanks Ciprian!
zipstream, bzip2stream: iostream wrappers for the zlib and bzip2 libraries RateThis article describes STL-compliant iostream implementations that compress and decompress using the deflate and bzip2 algorithms. It makes it really easy to use compressed streams in your C++ app.
Updated July, 2003, to fix a gzip header problem.
Updated August, 2003 to fix a couple of minor problems.
BWTCoder: Industrial strength BWT compression RateThis is a preliminary shot at creating an open source BWT compression engine. Things look very preliminary at this point with just a couple of files available for download and not much message traffic.
Bzip2 classes RateGilad Novik created a pair of classes to compress and decompress data using the bzip2 format.

Data Compression

ANSI-C Bit Manipulation Libraries Michael Dipperstein has written a few compression programs, which naturally requires that you be able to read and write bits one at a time, and possibly in chunks of other sizes. He has packaged up this capability as a separate library, and makes it available to the world here.
QccPack -- Quantization, Compression, and Coding Library Rate
James E. Fowler at Mississippi State University has created this library, which is an open source collection of routines that are useful for people interested in data compression research. The distribution includes QccSPIHT.
Version 0.45 is available as of December, 2003.
Source and Executables for the Amiga Rate
A huge selection of compression source and executables for the enigmatic Amiga.. I don't know if this is a mirror site or independent.
DjVu - Next generation image compression technology Rate
DjVu is an image compression technique that is meant to be used on scanned documents. AT&T has created a browser plugin that supports DjVu files. AT&T claims that DjVu files are 5 to 8 times smaller than GIF or JPEG images of similar quality. Some public source code is provided here, but the exciting parts of DjVu are not available.
Update: I believe this project has morphed away from AT&T and into the Open Source World. The AT&T site has been gone since 6/2002, I hope that this represents its new incarnation. I'm also moving the project status from Commercial to Non-Commercial
Programmer's Heaven Compression Programs Rate
A really nice set of programs and source code for all sorts of data compression. This area doesn't appear to be actively maintained, so there are plenty of out-of-date files, but good stuff mixed in as well.
Free Compression and Archiving Libraries and Source Code Rate
This web site keeps links to free libraries and source code. If you like this, you might want to browse around in some of their other areas as well.
DataCompression.info user Andrew S. was not too impressed with this site: I tried one half of their links and they were all dead or directed to content not related to the topic.
The Delphi Companion RateLots of links that appear to have a bias towards data compression with Delphi.
Delphi Skunkworks - Data Compression RateA page full of links to data compression resources for Delphi Programmers. Mostly libraries.
Encrypted Compressed Transfer Protocol RateThis group aims to create a transfer protocol that has the functions of FTP and the advantges of HTTP. The main features will be encryption and compression. Work in progress - if you speak German you can learn more about the project here.
The Open Compression Toolkit for C++ RateThe Open Compression Toolkit is a set of modular C++ classes and utilities for implementing and testing compression algorithms.
  • Simple interface and skeleton code for creating new compression algorithms.
  • Complete testing framework for validating and comparing new algorithms.
  • Support for algorithms that use external dictionaries/headers.
  • Utility classes and sample code for bitio, frequency counting, etc.
DjVuLibre RateThis is an open-source package of DjVu programs and libraries, including encoders, viewers, browser plugins, and various utlities. The DjVu standard for document encoding was once an ATT research project, but now has been commercialized by LizardTech. This project is an attempt to popularize and evangelize the DjVu technology, with at least the benign awareness of LizardTech.
Release 3.5.13 shipped in April of 2004.


C Library to search over compressed texts Rate
A team from the University of Pisa in Italy have created a set of two libraries to demonstrate the ability to perform searches in compressed text. The code is packaged as two LGPL libraries: HuffwLib and CGrepLib, and sample programs are available on the site for demonstration purposes.
Encrypted Compressed Transfer Protocol RateThis group aims to create a transfer protocol that has the functions of FTP and the advantges of HTTP. The main features will be encryption and compression. Work in progress - if you speak German you can learn more about the project here.
UnicodeCompressor : another alphaworks technology RateIBM has developed a pair of Java clases that compress Unicode according to the Standard Compression Scheme for Unicode. Looks like they might be giving it away here.
The Open Compression Toolkit for C++ RateThe Open Compression Toolkit is a set of modular C++ classes and utilities for implementing and testing compression algorithms.
  • Simple interface and skeleton code for creating new compression algorithms.
  • Complete testing framework for validating and comparing new algorithms.
  • Support for algorithms that use external dictionaries/headers.
  • Utility classes and sample code for bitio, frequency counting, etc.
CRC Encoding RateMarcel de Wijs has written an article on creating CRC codes in C#.
MFFM Bit Stream RateA C++ hierarchy that is designed to efficiently read and write bit streams. Needless to say, this is quite useful for compression programs.
Version 1.0 shipped in December, 2003.
NX Developers RateThis site appears to the home page for a project dedicated to developing an Open Source X Windows compression library.
jpg2html Ratejpg2html converts JPEG images into HTML. A series of jpg2html procedures are being written to explore different means and different effects.

GIF - Compuserve's Graphics Interchange Format

Corona Rate
Corona is an image input/output library that can read, write, and manipulate image files in just a few lines of code. It can write PNG files, and read PNG, JPEG, PCX, BMP, TGA, and GIF. Corona was designed to be easy to use, and exports a straightforward C++ API. With just a few lines of C++, you can add image loading to your application.
Corona 1.0.1 shipped in May, 2003, and added support for TGA images as well as a few more functions.
True-Color GIF Example Rate
Yes, it is possible to create GIF images with far more than 256 colors. This page will show you exactly how that is done, or at least prove to you that it is possible. It links to a GIF library called ANGIF that purports to be able to pull this trick off.
Libungif - An uncompressed GIF library RateA library for reading and writing gif images. The save functionality uses an uncompressed gif algorithm to avoid the Unisys LZW patent. This library is based on Eric Raymond's giflib and implements a superset of that library's API.
Version 4.1.2 of this library shipped in March, 2004.
zlib and libpng for Windows CE RateKazuo Adachi ported both of these important packages to Windows CE and Windows CE .Net. This includes binaries for what I believe are all the currently support CPUs.


GZipHelper Rate
This nice post on the CodeGuru web site does Gzip compression to and from memory, instead of to and from files.
The Zip, GZip, BZip2 and Tar Implementation For .NET Rate
#ziplib (SharpZipLib, formerly NZipLib) is a Zip, GZip, Tar and BZip2 library written entirely in C# for the .NET platform. It is implemented as an assembly (installable in the GAC), and thus can easily be incorporated into other projects (in any .NET language). The creator of #ziplib put it this way: "I've ported the zip library over to C# because I needed gzip/zip compression and I didn't want to use libzip.dll or something like this. I want all in pure C#."
Visitor Samuel L. had this to say Extremely useful and well written, well done, great that is open source.
CGZip, a C++ wrapper for gzip methods RateThis wrapper class provides you with simple access to the gzip compression methods in zlib. You can compress and decopress to/from memory (including strings) to files. Looks promising. Release 1.1 was released 12/2002, although I can't tell what if anything has changed.

Huffman Coding

C Library to search over compressed texts Rate
A team from the University of Pisa in Italy have created a set of two libraries to demonstrate the ability to perform searches in compressed text. The code is packaged as two LGPL libraries: HuffwLib and CGrepLib, and sample programs are available on the site for demonstration purposes.
Basic Compression Library Rate
Marcus Geelnard has created a batch of compression routines that you can plug and ply into your programs at will. Marcus is using the wonderfully open zlib license, which means thare are just about no reason you can't use this code. The 1.0.5 added an LZ77 codec to the RLE, Huffman, and Rice coders

Satisfied user Todd W said: I needed a simple set of compression routines for use in an embedded system. I must be able to store a fair amount of information in a small EEPROM as a generic database. The Huffman coder works very well in the application and has met my needs exactly! Very nice!

Huffman Compression Engine Rate
Huffman Compression Engine with Turbo Pascal Interface.
libhuffman - Huffman encoder/decoder library Rate
libhuffman is a Huffman encoder/decoder library and a command line interface to the library. The encoder is a 2 pass encoder. The first pass generates a huffman tree and the second pass encodes the file. The decoder is one pass and uses a huffman code table at the beginning of the compressed file to decode the file.
Beta 3 shipped in October, 2003.
Huffman.java Rate
Advertises itself as "A dirty but free implementation of a huffman encoder/decoder in Java." Not completely free, it is covered by the GLPL, and naturally includes fully documented source.
Huffman Compression Engine RateThis program is currently capable of reading and extracting files made with LHA and other utilities that generate .lzh files, from -lh4- to -lh7-. The foundation of the algorithm for this program like ARJ is based on Haruhiko Okumura's work on ar002, which was the foundation of LHA. Unlike Haruhiko's work however, the dictionary size is dynamic and currently allows for dictionary sizes of up to 64KB. On larger files, compression of files is usually 0.5% to 5% tighter than PKzip, and work in progress will likely yield even better results. Files created with this utility natively create -lh7- signed archives, which on larger files results in slightly better compression than that of lha32 by Haruyasu Yoshizaki.

Image Compression

QccPack -- Quantization, Compression, and Coding Library Rate
James E. Fowler at Mississippi State University has created this library, which is an open source collection of routines that are useful for people interested in data compression research. The distribution includes QccSPIHT.
Version 0.45 is available as of December, 2003.
CXImage Rate
Yet another image library! This one promises to load, save, and display BMP, JPEG, GIF, PNG, MNG, and J2K compressed images.
Version 5.9 of this library shipped in February, 2004.
IMAGELIB from Colosseum Builders, Inc - V 4.0 Rate
Due to the overwhelming number of requests for JPEG code that works with Borland C++Builder we have put out an Alpha version of the Colosseum Builders' Image Library for C++. The latest version includes encoders and decoders for JPEG, GIF, Windows BMP, XBM, and PNG. It also includes an interface to VCL so that these image formats can be used at design-time with C++Builder. The current version now works with MSVC++.
DjVu - Next generation image compression technology Rate
DjVu is an image compression technique that is meant to be used on scanned documents. AT&T has created a browser plugin that supports DjVu files. AT&T claims that DjVu files are 5 to 8 times smaller than GIF or JPEG images of similar quality. Some public source code is provided here, but the exciting parts of DjVu are not available.
Update: I believe this project has morphed away from AT&T and into the Open Source World. The AT&T site has been gone since 6/2002, I hope that this represents its new incarnation. I'm also moving the project status from Commercial to Non-Commercial
Netpbm RateNetpbm is a C package of routines for conversion, rendering, and manipulation of graphics files. The program understands a wide array of image formats, and best of all, is completely free.
The 10.22 release shipped in May of 2004.
Dali RateDali is a project at Cornell that aims to create a programming environment dedicated to the manipulation of video, audio, and image data. Naturally, this includes multiple codecs for various data types.
Java Image Coding RateJava libraries to read various image formats, including many which are compressed. Hence its appearance here.
FreeImage RateThe Free, Quality Image library for Windows. This library decodes quite a number of image formats, but don't expect to see GIF in there anytime soon. Perhaps after the patent expires?
FreeImage RateFreeImage is yet another free library for image reading, writing, and manipulation. FreeImage supports a long list of compressed formats, including JPEG, PNG, TIFF, and more. Claims to support multiple platforms, but it does apear that most of the experience with this project is on Win32 systems.
Version 3.2.1 is shipping in March, 2004.
JXPM - XPM processing library for Personal Java RateThis library lets you read XMP image files using Personal Java - a defunct standard targeted at handhelds and other slighly constrained platforms.
TIFF Software RateA library that supports reading and writing of TIFF files.
Imagero RateA Java library that can read a few different image file types. Currently that includes BMP, some TIFF, PNG, JPEG, and more, along with metadata from a few different file types,
Version 1.30 is shipping as of January, 2004
OpenTiff RateOpenTiff is an object-oriented interface to TIFF formated image files. Unlike other Tiff toolkits, it allows an arbitrary set of tags to be defined and used in a Tiff file.
In Memory Image Compression RateThis article by Amer Gerzic uses GDI+ to load an image, then compresses it into memory. In the sample code he loads a BMP file and converts it to an in-memory JPEG file.
Animal - AN IMAging Library RateYet another imaging library that claims to support over 80 image formats under Win32. This is listed as an Alpha status project that is shipping version 0.10.4 as of February, 2004.
ImageMagick RateImageMagick is a robust collection of tools and libraries offered under a free license to read, write, and manipulate an image in many image formats (over 87 major formats) including popular formats like TIFF, JPEG, PNG, PDF, PhotoCD, and GIF. Programming interfaces are provided for C/C++, Java, Perl, VB, and more.
Version 5.5.7 is shipping in May, 2003.
Java and Windows Pdf Extraction Decoding Access Library RateA Java library released under the LGPL license for extracting text and images from pdf files, with full source code and examples. It also provides a rasterizer.
A commercial product called WinPedal is also available. WinPedal is an EXE that has grouping functionality that converts PDF text into XML.
dcm4che - DICOM in Java RateThis open source project is an implementatoin of DICOM in Java. DICOM refers to the Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine standard, which provides standards for moving pictures around in medical applications.
GraphicsMagick Image Processing System RateGraphicsMagic is a branch off of the ImageMagick project. I suppose there are some interesting political machinations behind all that, but for right now you should just know that GraphicsMagick is attempting to provide a stable set of code that can be used in other free and proprietary products. This consists of a big batch of image processing library functions, as well as a command line tool that lets you easily exercise some of those functions.
Version 1.0.5 shipped in March, 2004.
DevIL - A full featured cross-platform image library RateDevIL provides the code needed to load a wide variety of images into your program. A nice long list of images that can be loaded are listed here, and a smaller but still quite nice list of formats that can be written to. Displaying images is currently supported under OpenGL, Windows GDI, SDL, DirectX, and Allegro,
Version 1.6.5 shipped in July, 2002.
DjVuLibre RateThis is an open-source package of DjVu programs and libraries, including encoders, viewers, browser plugins, and various utlities. The DjVu standard for document encoding was once an ATT research project, but now has been commercialized by LizardTech. This project is an attempt to popularize and evangelize the DjVu technology, with at least the benign awareness of LizardTech.
Release 3.5.13 shipped in April of 2004.

Incredible Claims

Lzip Rate
Lossy data compression which can reduce input files to 0% of their size. Hint: product was released April 1, 2000.
DCL reader Tim A. marvels: Wow! it's even faster than tarring to /dev/null!


Zippity Do Dah Rate
Al Williams wrote an excellent article on using the Info-Zip DLLs to manipulate Zip files. There are lots of commercial libraries that let you access Zip files, but your choices in free software are few and far between. So if you need a free solution, Al's article is a must-read. Many thanks to Al for getting this back on line after Visual Developer's web site disappeared.


Flatcompression RateThis open source project is working on an ISAPI compression filter, designed for use with IIS. The project is listed as being in beta status by the maintainer, with hopeful comments for the future in the SourceForge discussion forums.
ModZipRead RateMod ZipRead is an Apache 2 module to browser Zip Archives. It uses zziplib.


JBIG2DEC RateA JBIG2 decoder open source project, described as being O/S independent. The alpha releases are capable of decoding some JBIG2 documents but aren't ready for prime time yet.
Version 0.4 was released July 31, 2003.
JBIG Kit RateMarkus Kuhn has this to say about it: I wrote the freely available JBIG-KIT 1.2 portable ANSI C library, which implements a highly effective lossless bi-level image compression algorithm based on context sensitive arithmetic coding. The JBIG algorithm (specified in ITU-T Recommendation T.82), which is implemented in this library, is especially suitable for compressing scanned documents and fax pages. You can also download the (unfortunately German) project report (Studienarbeit) that I wrote about JBIG-KIT (abstract).
Release 1.5 available as of 6/2002.


Data Compression Newsletter #12 - Using Intel's JPEG Library Rate
This issue of the Data Compression Newsletter from Dr. Dobb's has some sample code showing how one might use Intel's JPEG library to display JPEG files under Win32.
Corona Rate
Corona is an image input/output library that can read, write, and manipulate image files in just a few lines of code. It can write PNG files, and read PNG, JPEG, PCX, BMP, TGA, and GIF. Corona was designed to be easy to use, and exports a straightforward C++ API. With just a few lines of C++, you can add image loading to your application.
Corona 1.0.1 shipped in May, 2003, and added support for TGA images as well as a few more functions.
JPEG Library Rate
Intel has a C/C++ JPEG library that works with Visual C++ under Win32. It would appear that their motivation is to distribute code that is optimized for the MMX extensions in their processor. License agreement has a few points that should be examined, but essentially it appears to be free. Please correct me if I'm wrong.
One reviewer of this site had this to say: I tried out the IJL library. It was slower than the Independent JPEG Group code. I was using IJL 1.5.
Vlandimire says: I use this library, v. 1.51 works very well.
Independent JPEG Group Rate
The Independent JPEG Group is a source of free JPEG software. It is in wide use. Oddly enough, the groups home page doesn't have anything interesting on it except a link to an ftp site, and a link to a couple of FAQs.
A free C++/MFC source code image framework with jpeg and dib codecs Rate
Free MFC source code for displaying JPEG files. Completely free, can be used in commercial products.
DCL User Comment: Very slow and awkward to work with...
Intel's PII Inverse DCT Application Notes RateIntel has a nice document showing how one can optimize the inverse DCT when running on processors with the MMX instructions, such as the Pentium II. Listings include code you can drop into the Independent JPEG Group's library.
DCL reader Neil H. had this to say: The drop-in replacement for the iDCT of the IJG works fine for 8-bit data (not 12-bit). It reduced total compression time to 2/3 or so of the original cross-platform code. The iDCT itself is supposed to be 4x faster.
PASJPEG RatePASJPEG is a port of the sixth public release of the IJG C source (release 6a of 7-Feb-96) [3], that implements JPEG baseline, extended-sequential, and progressive compression processes to Turbo Pascal 7.0 for DOS (TP). The code has been tested under Delphi 2.0 [6], it can be ported to other Pascal environments, since many compilers try to be compatible to TP.
MMXDCT RateMMXDCT is an implementation of 8x8 FDCT/IDCT with MMX technology. With the help of MMX, only about 1000 CPU cycles are needed to do an 8x8 IDCT.
Common Lisp JPEG Library RateJPEG compression and decompression routines in ANSI Lisp.
libExif RateA library that allows you to parse and read the meta-tag content in EXIF files. C code, but no comments regarding compilers or platforms.
OpenExif Toolkit RateThis toolkit lets you access EXIF metadata that has been stored in JPEG files, typically from a digital camera.
mjpgTools RatemjpgTools is an encapsulation of the JPeGlib and MJPeGtools and several other useful routines into a single Win32 DLL. This is an Open Source project, so have at it.
libDSP RateA C++ library of digital signal processing routines. We link to it here because it includes a DCT algorithm, plus a few other possibly interesting routines.
The ExifReader class RateA .NET library for reading EXIF metadata from JPEG files.
Classes to read and write BMP, JPEG and JPEG 2000 RateTony Lin created some classes that can read these three popular image formats, and includes an MFC demo app. The Jasper coder is used for JEPG2K support.
codecs.org Ratecodecs.org is a meta-project containing a wide range of tools and libraries designed to improve the state of codecs and their optimization. This includes libcodec, which contains routines for forward and reverse DCTs, MPEG motion compensation and estimation, block placement, etc.
jpg2html Ratejpg2html converts JPEG images into HTML. A series of jpg2html procedures are being written to explore different means and different effects.


Almacom JPEG-2000 library Rate
The page says: The Almacom JPEG-2000 library was written in an effort to produce the cleanest and simplest implementation possible of the JPEG-2000 standard. We have put a particular emphasis on good architecture design and code simplicity, while at the same time providing an implementation as complete and efficient as possible.
DataCompression.info user Luca M. said I was looking for a good library of wavelets. Now I've found it !
Luratech Rate
Luratech has plugins and an SDK for both their proprietary format and JPEG2000. Products come in a dizzying array of options, ActiveX controls, C-SDK, Java-SDK, plugins for PhotoShop or browsers. Note that some of their products can now be downloaded as freeward!
Note: What was once LuraTech is now Algo Vision LuraTech.
jp2IE - JPEG2000 ActiveX Control for Internet Explorer Rate
The jp2IE control is an extension of Microsoft뭩 Internet Explorer and allows the display of JPEG/JPEG2000 compressed files. It is based on the IJG implementation of the JPEG Standard Part 1/2 (ISO/IEC 10918-1/2) and the JASPER implementation of the JPEG2000 Standards Part 1 (ISO/IEC 15444-1).
Classes to read and write BMP, JPEG and JPEG 2000 RateTony Lin created some classes that can read these three popular image formats, and includes an MFC demo app. The Jasper coder is used for JEPG2K support.
JPEG 2000 Browser Plugin RateElysium says that this product is the first publicly released JPEG 2000 plugin for the Windows platform. It works with Netscape, Opera, and IE browsers, and is free.


Lossless JPEG Codec Rate
A freely redistributable lossless JPEG codec. Encoder, decoder, man pages, full C source, and some documentation.
LOCO-I/JPEG-LS Software Download Page Rate
HP offers some free JPEG-LS software, including a Windows DLL, PhotoShop plugin, and reference executables good on several platforms, including Windows, Linux, Solaris, and of course, HP-UX.
One anonymous reader dissed the package with this comment: Not particularly user friendly.
JPEG-LS Public Domain Code RateA free implementation of the upcoming JPEG-LS compression standard.


Micco's Home Page Rate
Home of LHMelt, UNLHA32.DLL, UNARJ32.DLL. All text on this page is in Japanese, except for a single link pointing to English information on UNLHA32.DLL.
LHA Library for Java RatejLHA is a Java library that supports reading and writing of LHA archives. It attempts to use the same interface as the java.util.zip package. It looks like there was a burst of activity in the spring of 2002, not much activity since them.
Huffman Compression Engine RateThis program is currently capable of reading and extracting files made with LHA and other utilities that generate .lzh files, from -lh4- to -lh7-. The foundation of the algorithm for this program like ARJ is based on Haruhiko Okumura's work on ar002, which was the foundation of LHA. Unlike Haruhiko's work however, the dictionary size is dynamic and currently allows for dictionary sizes of up to 64KB. On larger files, compression of files is usually 0.5% to 5% tighter than PKzip, and work in progress will likely yield even better results. Files created with this utility natively create -lh7- signed archives, which on larger files results in slightly better compression than that of lha32 by Haruyasu Yoshizaki.

Lossless Compression

Charles Bloom's binary executables Rate
Includes WaveVideo, PPMZ, LZP, and WaveCode. Charles has source for most of this stuff available elsewhere on his page.
Lzip Rate
Lossy data compression which can reduce input files to 0% of their size. Hint: product was released April 1, 2000.
DCL reader Tim A. marvels: Wow! it's even faster than tarring to /dev/null!
The LPAC Homepage Rate
LPAC is a codec for lossless compression of 8, 12, 16, 20, and 24 bit audio files. It has cross-platform support for Windows, Linux and Solaris. Direct playback of LPAC files is possible with a Winamp plug-in. A satisfied user tells the DCL Compression on the material I use is superior to the FLAC encoder.
The UCL Compression Library Rate
UCL is a portable lossless data compression library written in ANSI C. This work is from Markus F.X.J. Oberhumer, known for LZO, UPX and more.
DataCompression.info reader Swift G. had this to say: Excellent library. The compression routines are fast and if you need binary compression this is the way to go.
UnicodeCompressor : another alphaworks technology RateIBM has developed a pair of Java clases that compress Unicode according to the Standard Compression Scheme for Unicode. Looks like they might be giving it away here.
libmspack - A library for Microsoft compression formats RateA project whose goal is to implement libraries to support the various and sundry compression formats that Microsoft has cooked up over the years. Early in the process, much work left to be done.
MG4J: Managing Gigabytes for Java? RateA Java implementation of the inverted-index compression systems described in the book Managing Gigaybtes. This GPLed effort doesn't appear to have any connection with Witten, Moffat, or Bell.
Version 0.8.2 is shipping in October, 2003.
DIUcl RateDIUcl is a freeware port of UCL to Borland's Delphi language. UCL is the compressor used in the UPX Ultimate Packer for Executables by Markus F.X.J. Oberhumer. Decompression is extremely fast, and requires very little memory. The author claims that the decompressor fits into less than 200 bytes of code. Supports in-place compression and decompression. Using DIUcl is very simple: There's a compress() function that compresses a block of memory, and there's a decompress() function that handles decompression. Real-time decompression should be possible for virtually any application, which makes DIUcl the ideal tool to compress your database Blob fields.
Version 1.10 is shipping as of June, 2003.
OptimFROG SDK RateFlorin Ghido has packaged his lossless compressor into a nice SDK - take advantage of his great audio compression in products of your own.
FLAC - Free Lossless Audio Coder RateFLAC is an open-source project which specifies a lossless compressed audio format and provides an encoder, decoder, and several player plugins. Aside from yielding better compression than Shorten, the format supports sample-accurate seeking and many other features useful for streaming and archival.
Reader Colin B. says: Incredible lossless audio compression, depending on the source, of course. I have seen high-quality speech recordings compressed to 10% of the original size, losslessly..
FLAC 1.1.0 released in January, 2003. A good roster of new features for this coder, including updates for libraries and plugins.
BitMagic RateBitMagic is C++ library designed and developed to implement efficient platform independent bitsets, with the following key features:
  • Several types of on-the-fly adaptive compression.
  • Dynamic range of addressable space of 232 bits.
  • Efficient memory management.
  • Serialization in platform independent, compact format suitable for storing in files and databases.
  • Performance tuning for 32-bit and 64-bit systems.
Version 3.1.4 shipped August, 2003.
CodeProject: Compress Data RateA new article on The CodeProject describing code to compress/decompress to/from an ISequentialStream interface. Code is supplied to implement this for Cfile and CByteArray. The compression itself is done via zlib. The rationale for this project is that the author needed cookbook code that worked with MFC objects.


The LZO home page. Rate
LZO is a compression library designed for real time projects that need fast compressors and decompressors. LZO is free under the GPL. Current release is LZO 1.07.
The UCL Compression Library Rate
UCL is a portable lossless data compression library written in ANSI C. This work is from Markus F.X.J. Oberhumer, known for LZO, UPX and more.
DataCompression.info reader Swift G. had this to say: Excellent library. The compression routines are fast and if you need binary compression this is the way to go.
Not Really Vanished Rate
The home page for NRV, the next generation successor to LZO. NRV is a portable lossless data compression library written in C++. It offers pretty fast compression and *very* fast decompression. Decompression requires no memory. NRV is free under the GPL.
DCL reader Luigi T. saidIt would be very useful for my needs, but at the moment the source code seems to not be available.
LZO download site RateThe primary site for downloading LZO files. This includes mini-LZO, a shrunk down version of the LZO library, Perl-LZO, and Python-LZO.
LZO.Net RateA .NET wrapper around the native LZO libraries.

LZ77/LZSS and derivatives

lz.adb Ada source for compression based on the LZH package.
Collake Software - JCALG1 Rate
Home of JCALG1, an LZSS derived lossless compression algorithm with full x86 32bit assembly source. Data Compressioni Library user comment: I found LZSS C source and an EXE. The EXE was useful for testing. I expect to use this in an embedded app after further research..
The African Chief RateThe African Chief has a variety of compression programs listed here, including units for Delphi and Turbo Pascal. Techniques supported include LZSS and Zip. Most appear to include source.
Tlzrw1 : Delphia compression component with LZH and LZRW1/KH RateThe LZH and LZRW1/KH routines are from the SWAG Pascal code archive.
TLZHCompressor a compression component for Delphi RateThis unit implements a component which allows the user to compress data using a combination of LZSS compression and adaptive Huffman coding (Similar to that use by LHARC 1.x), or conversely to decompress data that was previously compressed by this unit.
BriefLZ RateAn Open Source library that implements an LZSS algorithm, designed for speed. ANSI C, with 16- and 32-bit x86 assembler versions available as well.
JCALG1 RateJCALG1 is a small, open-source, LZSS derived compression library.
  • Features Coded in 100% 32bit x86 assembly language for maximum performance and minimum size.
  • Good compression ratio, typically much better than ZIP's deflate.
  • Extremely small and fast decompressor.
  • Adjustable window size to allow for faster compression at the cost of compression ratio.
  • Decompression requires no memory, other than the destination buffer.
  • Easy integration with any application.
  • Free!
LZMA SDK From 7-Zip RateIgor Pavlov has released his LZMA code in a separate SDK, and is claiming excellent performance characteristics that make this a potential hit in the embedded world.
The Standard Function Library: Compression Functions RateThe guys at iMatix had the idea that they could write a super-library of C functions that woud be so useful it would rule the world. As far as I can tell, it didn't catch on. However, there are a few compression functions here that some folks might find interesting.
Free DCL Decompressor RateMark Adler built a decompressor that is able to read streams built with PKWare's Data Compression Library. Since PKWare hasn't released source for DCL, this is a very good thing, and free to boot.

LZ78/LZW and derivatives

Java PDF Libraries Rate
A variety of libraries that can be used to read and write PDF format.

MP3/MPEG Audio

ID3/mp3info Rate
ID3 (or mp3info as it is called on Sourceforge) is a collection of classes useful for reading ID3-tags and ID3v2-tags as well as technical information on the file like bitrates and playing times. It also includes an API to write ID3 (V1 and V2) tags to an mp3 file.
Yet another java id3 lib RateA Java library that lets you read and write the ID3 tags embedded in MP3 files. Yep, it's free.
Winamp OpenSource LCD Plugin for various LCD & VFD modules RateWith this plugin your copy of Winamp will display track information on an LCD display attached to your PC. Just the thing if you're looking to set up a jukebox of some kind, maybe in your car. Windows, free.
PlusV RatePlusV is a brand new audio compression enhancement technology that allows audio files to be compressed in as little as 64 or even 48 kbits/s. PlusV is not a compression scheme of its own, it is an extension that can be applied to existing audio formats. When combined with the MP3 technology, MP3+V files are fully compatible with existing MP3 files and decoders. To get full audio quality out of PlusV files, you just need a PlusV capable decoder, like a PlusV capable WinAmp plugin.
MP3Sharp: JavaLayer C# Port RateA straight-up port of the JavaZoom MP3 library to C#.
getID3() RateThis PHP script reads ID3 tags from MP3 files, as well as tons of other tag types from various other audio and other media files.
CWinamp - more than just a Winamp2 API wrapper RateA wrapper class that allows you control the Winamp MP3 player from your Visual C++ app.


FFmpeg Streaming Multimedia System Rate
The FFmpeg project consists of two main parts: FFmpeg, which encodes and decodes the multimedia streams, and FFserver, which provides streams via HTTP for various multimedia clients. FFMpeg is completely portable since it does not rely on proprietary DLLs. The library libavcodec, which contains all the ffmpeg codecs, can be reused in any program licensed under the GNU General Public License.
Version 0.4.8 is shipping in September, 2003. Tons of new stuff in 0.4.7, a bit more in 0.4.8.
RareWares AAC Page Rate
A nice collection of AAC software, including encoders, decoders, and miscellaneous plugins.
DecMPA - Simple MPEG Audio Decoder Library Rate
The goal of DecMPA is to provide simple and efficient MPEG audio decoding routines, nothing more and nothing less. It does not contain any playback functionality - basically you just shove MPEG audio data in and get decoded PCM audio data out. Everything that is not directly connected with MPEG decoding is beyond the scope of this library. This also has the nice side-effect of making DecMPA highly portable because it hardly uses any operating system services at all.
Reader Jacob says: Very easy to use, well documented...
Project Mayo Rate
An open source group working on creating an MPEG-4 codec. The site has projects that support a core MPEG-4 codec, players for Linux, Windows, and the Mac, and streaming code.
Free MPEG Software! Rate
Lots of links to free software from the MPEG Simulation Group.
FFDShow FFDShow MPEG-4 Video Decoder RateFFDShow MPEG-4 Video Decoder is a DirectShow decoding filter for decompressing DIVX movies, picture postprocessing, and show subtitles. It uses libavcodec from ffmpeg project or for video decompression (it can use xvid.dll installed with xvid codec too), postprocessing code from mplayer to enhance visual quality of low bitrate movies, and is based on original DirectShow filter from XviD, which is GPL'ed educational implementation of MPEG4 encoder
ooMPEG: object-oriented MPEG decoder RateThe description from the site: ooMPEG is a reentrant multi-threaded MPEG decoder written in C++. ooMPEG is based on the MPEG Library, a wrapper written around the Berkeley MPEG decoder. The original was written in C by Greg Ward at McGill, and could only play a single MPEG movie in a single thread..
MMXDCT RateMMXDCT is an implementation of 8x8 FDCT/IDCT with MMX technology. With the help of MMX, only about 1000 CPU cycles are needed to do an 8x8 IDCT.
libdvbpsi RateThis nice little library is designed to perform the decoding and generation of all Program Specific Information in MPEG-2 TS and DVB streams. The project says that it currently supports the Program Association Table in MPEG-2 and the Program Map Table in MPEG-2.
IvyTV RateIvyTV seeks to create an open source kernel mode driver for the iTVC15 familiy of MPEG codecs, which are found on the Hauppage PVR capture cards.
Maaate: The Australian audio analysis toolkit RateMaaate consists of a set of libraries that let you analyze the audio streams encoded in MPEG files. Besides simply parsing the audio out of MPEG files, it also does some sort of energy detection, silence analysis and more. But reading between the lines I think this library's strength is supposed to be a nice architecture that lets you easily add the modules you need for your work.
GPL MPEG-1/2 DirectShow Decoder Filter RateGPL MPEG-1/2 Decoder is a free DirectShow MPEG decoder filter. It can be used to play MPEG-1 and MPEG-2 streams in any media player based on DirectShow. In addition, it can be used as DVD decoder for unencrypted discs.
GPAC RateGPAC is an implementation of the MPEG-4 Systems standard (ISO/IEC 14496-1) developed from scratch in ANSI C. The main development goal is to provide a clean (a.k.a. readable by as many people as possible), small and flexible alternative to the MPEG-4 Systems reference software. The MPEG-4 Reference software is indeed a very large piece of software, designed to verify the standard rather than provide a small, production-stable software. GPAC is written in ANSI C for portability reasons (embedded platforms and DSPs) with a simple goal: keep the memory footprint as low as possible. The project will at term provide a 2D/3D core player, complete MPEG-4 Systems encoders and publishing tools for content distribution.
Version 0.1.4 is shipping as of May, 2004.
OpenIPMP RateThe folks at OpenIPMP are busy trying to create open standards for Digital Rights Management to work with MPEG streams. It appears that MPEG-4 is where the work is being done right now. Read the "Background" page for a pretty good synopsis of what they are doing and where they are going.
Version 0.8.0 of their software is shipping in May, 2003.
codecs.org Ratecodecs.org is a meta-project containing a wide range of tools and libraries designed to improve the state of codecs and their optimization. This includes libcodec, which contains routines for forward and reverse DCTs, MPEG motion compensation and estimation, block placement, etc.
ezMPEG RateezMPEG is an easy-to-use and easy-to-understand MPEG1 video encoder API. The author says I started this project because I wanted to know how MPEG works and the best way to learn it is to implement my own encoder. So I downloaded the ISO specs and began to read and code. My implementation doesn't have the goal to be better than all the others. The goal is to have a simple, portable and esay to understand code for all the people (and for me) who wants to know how a MPEG1 video encoder works.
Version 0.1b of this library shipped in April, 2003. It is still listed as being in Alpha status, so temper your expectations for right now.
Libmpeg3 RateA library the provides the functions you need for editing MPEG streams. MPEG streams were really not created with editing in mind, so a library like this needs to take into account a lot of quirky things.
Version 1.5.4 is shipping as of February, 2004.
Nvideo-Tech RateThese guys make the MpegDecSdk, which appears to be a free library for Windows and Linux. Way short on documentation at this point!
XviD.org - Home of the XviD Codec RateThis project is developing an open source MPEG-4 codec. The code is currently ported to Solaris, Win32, and Linux.
Version 1.0RC3 is shipping in March, 2004.


PNG Source Code and Libraries Rate
The source for libpng and zlib. Can't do PNG without them.
Toolkits and Programming Libraries with PNG Support Rate
Toolkits and Programming Libraries with PNG Support
QuickTime Components Project RateThis site is dedicated to open source QuickTime development for popular open source audio and video codecs. We are currently working on Ogg Vorbis, an audio codec developed by Xiphophorus, and MNG, an animation video codec.
PNGWriter RateI can't imagine a better description of this product than is found on the first line of their web page: "PNGwriter is a C++ class for creating PNG images." And yes, it's a free library, and it's portable as all get-out, working on Win32, Linux, Mac OS X, and more.
Version 0.3.7 shipped in October 2003.
libmng RateThe MNG file format exists to provide a way to create animated graphics based on the PNG format. Programs that want an easy way to display and manipulate mng format files can use libmng, which is found here.
Version 1.0.5 of libmng is shipping as of March, 2003. TNGImage 1.2 (the Delphi Wrapper for libmng) shipped in April, 2003.
zlib and libpng for Windows CE RateKazuo Adachi ported both of these important packages to Windows CE and Windows CE .Net. This includes binaries for what I believe are all the currently support CPUs.


Compress::PPMd RateSalvador Fandi? Garc? has created a Perl interface to Dmitry Shkarin PPMd compression library.
Version 0.05 is shipping as of March, 2003.

Run Length Encoding/RLE

Basic Compression Library Rate
Marcus Geelnard has created a batch of compression routines that you can plug and ply into your programs at will. Marcus is using the wonderfully open zlib license, which means thare are just about no reason you can't use this code. The 1.0.5 added an LZ77 codec to the RLE, Huffman, and Rice coders

Satisfied user Todd W said: I needed a simple set of compression routines for use in an embedded system. I must be able to store a fair amount of information in a small EEPROM as a generic database. The Huffman coder works very well in the application and has met my needs exactly! Very nice!

SFastPacker RateThis is the Assembler code used to compress or decompress some data by modified RLE algorithm. The ZIP file contains ASM/OBJ files + a PAS unit which represents packing functions in easy to use manner (can compress files, streams etc) and can be used in Delphi applications.
The Standard Function Library: Compression Functions RateThe guys at iMatix had the idea that they could write a super-library of C functions that woud be so useful it would rule the world. As far as I can tell, it didn't catch on. However, there are a few compression functions here that some folks might find interesting.


Cysip DSP Courses Rate
These folks offer some seminars on communcations. On their page, if you go to the links to free software, you will find Matlab code for CELP and LPC Vocoders. This same page also has a wide variety of links for speech coding stuff.
The OpenH323 Project Rate
This open source project aims to create a free H.323 stack. The project was started as a reaction to the high cost of commercial implementations of audio and video compression code implementing the various components of H.323. Roger H. adds There are now several useful applications which use the library including OpenMCU (a reliable multi person conference server) and GnomeMeeting (a GTK/Gnome GUI client for Linux/BSD Unix.
Version 1.13.13 of OpenH323 shipped in Marh, 2004.
Hawk Software HawkVoice Rate
HawkVoice is a game oriented, multiplayer voice over network API released under the GNU Library General Public License (LGPL), with support for Linux/Unix and Windows 9x/ME/NT/2000. It is designed to be a portable, open source code alternative to DirectPlay(R) Voice in DX8.
OpenLPC Codec Rate
A low bitrate codec, described as being derived from the work of Ron Frederick. Freeware.
Speex Rate
The Speex project aims to build a patent-free, Open Source/Free Software voice codec. Unlike other codecs like MP3 and Ogg Vorbis, Speex is designed to compress voice at low bitrates in the 8-32 kbps/channel range. Possible applications include VoIP, internet audio streaming, archiving of speech data (e.g. voice mail), and audio books. In some sense, it is meant to be complementary to the Ogg Vorbis codec.
Speex 1.1.5 was released in April, 2004.
Open G.729(A) Initiative RateVoiceAge, of Montreal, announces the "Open G.729(A) Initiative," which allows developers to freely use their G.729(A) codec object code for non-commercial purposes. This initiative provides you with an opportunity to work with the G.729(A) codec for free while developing products or applications. Take advantage of voice compression to prove that VoIP works efficiently and provides good voice quality.
Note: this site went all-Flash - which means you will have to navigate to the Open G.729 page manually.

Suffix Trees

ANSI C implementation of a Suffix Tree RateA C implementation of a Suffix Tree. This project also includes a Perl module that can use the C code.


The OpenH323 Project Rate
This open source project aims to create a free H.323 stack. The project was started as a reaction to the high cost of commercial implementations of audio and video compression code implementing the various components of H.323. Roger H. adds There are now several useful applications which use the library including OpenMCU (a reliable multi person conference server) and GnomeMeeting (a GTK/Gnome GUI client for Linux/BSD Unix.
Version 1.13.13 of OpenH323 shipped in Marh, 2004.
Charles Bloom's binary executables Rate
Includes WaveVideo, PPMZ, LZP, and WaveCode. Charles has source for most of this stuff available elsewhere on his page.
On2 Technologies VP3.2 Open Source Project Rate
These folks are hard at work on an open source video codec. VP4 appears to be a commercial effort, VP3 seems to be free.
One DataCompression.info user had this to say: Impressive effort by both ON2 and Xiph. Something has to replace MPEG with its rapidly deteriorating technnology and efficiency. This one has the potential but now needs the acceptance.
Advanced Multimedia Processing Lab Rate
This lab at CMU seems to be doing some interesting things with video compression. At a minimum, they have an H.263 codec you can download.
Public Source Code Release of Matching Pursuit Video Codec Rate
This codec appears to use techniques which are compatible with H.263 and MPEG-2, although it is not compatible with those standards. The Matching Pursuit algorithm is used in place of DCT after motion compensation.
H.263/H.263+ Research Library, Release 0.2 Rate
A free H.263 library.
OpenH263 Software Implementation Rate
The open source project to create an H.263 codec. No output yet!
Dali RateDali is a project at Cornell that aims to create a programming environment dedicated to the manipulation of video, audio, and image data. Naturally, this includes multiple codecs for various data types.
Codec Pack All in 1 RateA collection of codecs for playing DivX movies. All you need to see DivX movies: DivX, XviD, AC3.
Version of this collection shipped in April, 2004.
Helix DNA Producer SDK Project Home Page RateThe Helix DNA Producer is a project that Real Networks has dropped into the open source space. Producer is a platform for creating streaming content and downloadable media files.
mjpgTools RatemjpgTools is an encapsulation of the JPeGlib and MJPeGtools and several other useful routines into a single Win32 DLL. This is an Open Source project, so have at it.
Ogg Theora RateTheora is the first video codec from Xiph.org, keepers of Ogg. Theora is based on the VP3 codec from On2.
DWIT Video Codec Homepage RateTo quote the page: The DWIT video codec is a real-time Differential Wavelet Integer-based Transform software video codec that runs on SGI Octane and O2 workstations. The codec is written in C++ and is distributed under GNU Copyleft.
MediaPipe RateMediaPipe is a flexible framework to manipulate media on MacOS X. It allows you to build decoding, filtering, encoding and even streaming pipelines that correspond exactly to your needs. Additionally, if a format is not supported, or a transformation missing, it features an SDK that allows you to quickly implement the pipe you want.
AVI File Support Library RateThis open source project gives you the ability to read and write AVI files under Linux. The really interesting part about all that is that this is done using the Win32 DLLs from Microsoft to do the compression and decompression. Clever!
The avifile component is shipping version 0.7.37 as of May, 2003.


Charles Bloom's binary executables Rate
Includes WaveVideo, PPMZ, LZP, and WaveCode. Charles has source for most of this stuff available elsewhere on his page.
Luratech Rate
Luratech has plugins and an SDK for both their proprietary format and JPEG2000. Products come in a dizzying array of options, ActiveX controls, C-SDK, Java-SDK, plugins for PhotoShop or browsers. Note that some of their products can now be downloaded as freeward!
Note: What was once LuraTech is now Algo Vision LuraTech.
GWIC - GNU Wavelet Image Codec RateFrom the site: GWIC is a simple, fast and relatively efficient lossy image compression algorithm designed for compression of natural images. Currently both gray scale (8 12 and 16bpp) and RGB-images are supported, but in future support for alpha-channels is planned. GWIC is still in the middle of the designing phase, and thus should not yet be used in any real applications, since the file-format and algorithms are likely to change..
DWIT Video Codec Homepage RateTo quote the page: The DWIT video codec is a real-time Differential Wavelet Integer-based Transform software video codec that runs on SGI Octane and O2 workstations. The codec is written in C++ and is distributed under GNU Copyleft.


UnZip-Ada A pure Ada decompression library. You can extract files from zip archives using this library, although you can't create them.
Release 11 shipped in November of 2002.
The Zip, GZip, BZip2 and Tar Implementation For .NET Rate
#ziplib (SharpZipLib, formerly NZipLib) is a Zip, GZip, Tar and BZip2 library written entirely in C# for the .NET platform. It is implemented as an assembly (installable in the GAC), and thus can easily be incorporated into other projects (in any .NET language). The creator of #ziplib put it this way: "I've ported the zip library over to C# because I needed gzip/zip compression and I didn't want to use libzip.dll or something like this. I want all in pure C#."
Visitor Samuel L. had this to say Extremely useful and well written, well done, great that is open source.
Zippity Do Dah Rate
Al Williams wrote an excellent article on using the Info-Zip DLLs to manipulate Zip files. There are lots of commercial libraries that let you access Zip files, but your choices in free software are few and far between. So if you need a free solution, Al's article is a must-read. Many thanks to Al for getting this back on line after Visual Developer's web site disappeared.
Delphi Zip/Unzip Package, v1.10 For Delphi v2+ Rate
Contains VCLs, examples, and DLLs for Delphi v2. Gives your programs full support for PKZIP v2.04g compatible file compression/expansion. 100% Freeware. Based largely on the InfoZip project.
Zip Library Rate
This library, found on the code project, is an MFC compatible set of code that handles most operations you would want to do on Zip files. Notably, it includes support for multi-disk archives.
CInfoZip Rate
CInfoZip by Alchemy Lab is an MFC class that makes it easy to add Zip support to your C++ programs written using Visual C++. Despite the fact that Alchemy Labs is a commercial operation, they're giving this code away for free.
BCB and Delphi Freeware Zip Component page Rate
A set of components and DLLs that allow you to manipulate zip files from within your Delphi or C++ Builder programs. It's all free. Don't know ifyou can use the DLLs with any other languages.
The Fortran interface to read gzipped files Ratelibfgz lets you read and write gzipped files from Fortran.
Version 0.2 is shipping as of August, 2003.
JazzLib RateThis project provides an implementation of the java.util.zip classes. The code is pure java (no native code is used), and aims to be compatible with existing java.util.zip implementations.
Version 0.06 of jazzlib shipped in January of 2003. This product is still under development, but I don't have a clear roadmap, no idea when to expect a 1.0 release.
Zip Home Page RateZip is a free .NET Zip File library which works with C# or other languages that use the CLR.
The African Chief RateThe African Chief has a variety of compression programs listed here, including units for Delphi and Turbo Pascal. Techniques supported include LZSS and Zip. Most appear to include source.
Rubyzip RateRubyzip is a ruby module for reading and writing zip files.
As of March, 2004, Rubyzip is shipping version 0.5.4
Delphi Zip v1.10 DLL Source Code RateThis archive contains the C language source code for the 2, DLLs in the Delphi Zip package: ZIPDLL.DLL and UNZDLL.DLL. This archive includes makefiles for Microsoft VC++ v4.0. 100% Freeware. Based largely on the InfoZip project.
The Zziplib library RateAn open source library that does one thing only: extract files in a Zip archive, as long as they are stored or deflated.
Release 10.82 was shipped in July, 2003.
GNOME Structured File Library RateA library that allows you to read various types of structure files in the GNOME environment. Structure files includes MS OLE2 streams, as well as Zip files.
ModZipRead RateMod ZipRead is an Apache 2 module to browser Zip Archives. It uses zziplib.
Win32 Wrapper classes for Gilles Volant's Zip/Unzip API RateThis article is an addition to an earlier CodeProject posting that was designed to make your life easier when working with Zip files. The previous article had support for extraction and navigation of Zip files. This article adds support for creation of Zip files.
Compression and decompression using the Crypto++ library RateThis article from the archives of The CodeProject describes how to use the free library to perform in-memory compression and decompression.
The Data Compression Newsletter #11 -The CodeProject Zip Library RateIssue #11 of the DDJ Compression Newsletter contains some sample code that uses the Zip library from The CodeProject to create a little unzip program. A very simple program that uses a free library to get a lot done.
Zipios++ RateA C++ open source library for accessing zip files. This is a work in development, which as of the current beta now has support for reading and writing Zip files. Distributed under the LGPL.
PKZip library for PHP RateThis project is still in beta. The current release provides the ability to manipulate zip archives by adding and removing files.
TurboPower Abbrevia RateTurboPower has given up on the retail library business, and will be placing most of their products into an open source state. Abbrevia is TurboPower's compression library. It appears that version 3.05 is in beta as of August, 2003.
C++ wrapper for Gilles Vollant's Unzip API RateDanG presents an extended yet simplified interface to querying, filtering and extracting multiple files from a zip archive.
ZipArchive - A library for C++ programmers RateThis library adds zip compression and decompression functionality to your program, allowing you to create and modify ZIP files in a compatible way with WinZip, PKZIP and other popular archivers. Its easy and practical interface makes the library suitable for the beginners as well as for the advanced users. The library is published under the GPL - alternate licensing needs to be arranged if you wish to use this in a commercial product.
Crypto++ 4.0 RateCrypto++ is a free compression library, that just happens to support a Zip compatible algorithm.
XZip and XUnzip - Add zip and/or unzip to your app RateThis CodeProject article gives you support for both zipping and unzipping files from archives without requiring a lib or dll. The code is absolutely free.
Update posted June 20, 2003.
Easy Way to Read/Write Zip-Compatible Files Under MFC RateLarry Leonard has created this CodeProject article with the goal of making it super easy to read and write Zip files from your MFC project. There are some limitations to this project, such as a limit of one file per archive, no disk spanning, and no encryption, but he has definitely made it easy to use. Three lines of code and you're done!


zlib for WinCE Rate
Source code and demo projects from Ciprian Miclaus. Ciprian said he created this because the only other available port for CE did not include source.
DCL reader Mike P. said Very good ... especially that I found on the same site a port of libbzip2 for WinCE. Excellent ... exactly what my project needed.
The Zip, GZip, BZip2 and Tar Implementation For .NET Rate
#ziplib (SharpZipLib, formerly NZipLib) is a Zip, GZip, Tar and BZip2 library written entirely in C# for the .NET platform. It is implemented as an assembly (installable in the GAC), and thus can easily be incorporated into other projects (in any .NET language). The creator of #ziplib put it this way: "I've ported the zip library over to C# because I needed gzip/zip compression and I didn't want to use libzip.dll or something like this. I want all in pure C#."
Visitor Samuel L. had this to say Extremely useful and well written, well done, great that is open source.
Zlib Rate
The zlib home page. zlib is a free software package that implements the deflate compression algorithm popularized in PKWare's PKZIP product. zlib is designed to be patent free, and is free or restrictions.
Version 1.2.1 is shipping as of December, 2003.
ZLIB for Visual Basic Rate
Download ZLIB for Visual Basic (26kB 24-8-97) ZLIB has been ported to an .OCX by Mark Nelson. If you don't want the overhead of an .ocx, you can use this zlibvb.bas file (module) to give you access to the basic routines. In order to use it, you're going to need one of the ZLIB.DLL files from the ZLIB page; I've included one of them in the .zip file.
Note: If the link on this page doesn't work, try this oneinstead.
Zlib for the Palm Pilot Rate
A test version of zlib ported to the 3Com Pilot
JazzLib RateThis project provides an implementation of the java.util.zip classes. The code is pure java (no native code is used), and aims to be compatible with existing java.util.zip implementations.
Version 0.06 of jazzlib shipped in January of 2003. This product is still under development, but I don't have a clear roadmap, no idea when to expect a 1.0 release.
Zip Home Page RateZip is a free .NET Zip File library which works with C# or other languages that use the CLR.
JZlib -- zlib in pure Java RateThis project is an attempt to hoist zlib out of the C world and into pure Java land. This allows Java developers to take advantage of a few zlib features that aren't available in the standard JDK packages. LGPL license.
Version 1.0.4 of Jzlib was shipping as of March, 2004.
Compress::Zlib and LZO bindings for Perl RateThis ftp directory contains the source code to provide Perl bindings for two different compression library products: zlib and LZO.
PalmZLib RateA port of Zlib to the Palm O/S platform. Creates a free shared library, and reportedly is used in one app to decompress PNG images.
zipstream, bzip2stream: iostream wrappers for the zlib and bzip2 libraries RateThis article describes STL-compliant iostream implementations that compress and decompress using the deflate and bzip2 algorithms. It makes it really easy to use compressed streams in your C++ app.
Updated July, 2003, to fix a gzip header problem.
Updated August, 2003 to fix a couple of minor problems.
ZLib.Ada. RateZLib.Ada is a thick binding to the popular compression/decompression library ZLib. It is providing Ada style access to the ZLib C library.
Zlib compression / decompression wrapper as ISequentialStream RateThis is a first shot at wrapping zlib compression library behind a COM IStream interface. The library provides a pure ATL C++ implementation and a simple demo COM based implementation. Both take an IStream as an initializer and compress/decompress on the fly on the Read and Write methods.
Bob Crispen's Port of Zlib to lcc RateWin-GZ is built for the Win32 environment using Jacob Navia's lcc-Win32. The zip file referenced here contains the modifications needed to get zlib to build under this environment.

Posted by 장안동베짱e :
Posted by 장안동베짱e :

우선 두자리 숫자를 생각하세요, (10~99)
그리고 각각 자릿수를 더하시구요,
(예) 23을 생각했다면, 2+3=5,
그리고 원래 생각했던 수에서 빼세요,
(예) 23이였으니깐 5를 빼면 18이겠죠, ?
그리고 그 번호에 있는 그림을 잠시 보세요,
속으로 그 그림을 생각하면서 ,
구슬 그림을 클릭하세요,
그 그림이 나오시지요 ^^ 정말 신기하죠? ^^
★ 오른쪽에 있는 0~99 까지 숫자칸에 있는 모양을 봐주세요^^ ★

구슬 출처 : http://www.cyworld.com/01047133314 (내 사촌동생 싸이)

Posted by 장안동베짱e :
보통 메일 보내기 태그를 쓸 때
<A href=mailto:보낼주소>메일보내기</a>
식의 형태로 쓰게 되죠..?
 근데.. 보통은 Outlook이 떠서
뭐~ 센드메일서버 설정해라-
뭐 설정해라 뭐해라-
이래서 저같은경우엔 귀찮더라구요 -_-;
(물론 컴퓨터 주인에 따라선 안뜨게 해놓은경우도 있지만..) 
오늘 아침에 문득 본거-
<a href="http://go.daum.net/bin/mailto.cgi?TO=보낼주소" target="_blank">메일보내기</a>
식으로 하면 바로 한메일(다음메일)로 연결되서 메일을 보낼 수 있더라구요-
물론 사람마다 제각각 다른 메일을 쓰긴 하지만서도,
보통은 (다음카페 영향력인지..)
다음은 다가입 되있더라구요-
뭐.. 어차피 보내기만 잘 보내면 안되겠니~? (개콘에 현대생활백수 버젼으로..)
ps. 다음카페에 가입되어 있지 않은 사람(외국인등)은 보낼 수 없는게 최대단점 oTL..
Posted by 장안동베짱e :
여자친구 사진 예쁘게 찍는 ‘비법’

노호식·손주영 커플이 공개하는 멋진 추억, 멋진 사진 만들기

미디어다음 / 우희덕 통신원

Posted by 장안동베짱e :
쌔꿎다, 쌔쿠다【동사】
쌔까라~ 【비꼬는말】
   ;자꾸 그런식으로 거짓말을 할테냐?
   ★이 말을 할 때는 눈가에 약간의 비웃음과,
   불신을 담아주는게 좋음.
     ex> " 야, 니 머리 그리 무꿍께 이상항그긋다."

      ex> "야 오늘은 넥타이로 쫌 다리게 뭉까라."
       ;잠겨있던 것을 풀어 주다,자물쇠를 풀어주다.
     예>"아줌마 요 문좀 깨라 주이소."
       ;전혀 씻지않는 사람을 일컬음,
     ★김현정님의 스퇄에서 발췌 퀘퀘...
      ;그만, 어지간히,적당히
      ex>삽질 좀 응가이해라.
      ex>니가 그리해봤자지 응가이 하긋노?
        볿아스>>> 밟아서
         ;가르쳐 주다.
            ; 떨어뜨리다 ㅡ_ㅡ;,놓치다
            (과거)       :널짜삣다
            (과거분사) :널짜삤었다
            (추측)       :널짜삐쓸낀데
난주 【명사】
          ="나는 너에게 그것을 절대로 해주지 않겠어"
"난주 데비라 주께"
;"나중에 내가 너를 배웅할게"
(집이나 어느 곳에 있는 사람이 그 곳을 떠나는 사람을) 예의상
또는 아쉬운 마음에서, 문 밖이나 동구 밖이나 탈것 따위를 타는
곳까지 함께 나가 작별 인사를 나눈 뒤 떠나 보내는 것. 배행(陪行).
↔마중. 배웅-하다 (타) ¶ 손님을 배웅하러나가다.

갑자기 씽내이란 단어가 쓸일이 있어서 검색을 해봤는데..
중앙대 경영학부 야구동아리 홈페이지에서 이런걸 올려놨길래 평소 쓰던 단어만 퍼왔어요..
참.. 식겁하다(흔히들 말하는.. 시껍하다)는 사투리가 아니래요-
Posted by 장안동베짱e :

오.. 제대로다..
Posted by 장안동베짱e :
프로그래밍 코더(Coder)들을 위한 색다른 검색 엔진이 등장할 예정이다.

이름하여 크루글-
왠지 이름에서 구글의 포스가 느껴지는건 무엇일까;;

3월달부터 시험판으로 공개 된다고 하는데..
(아직은 안되더라..)
사용자들은 소스코드와 관련 문서는 물론이고,
Sun개발자 네트워크등 포르그래머용 기업체 웹사이트 자요등을 비롯해 약 1억페이지 정도를 검색할 수 있게 한다고 한다.

크루글은 코더스(Koders)나 코드페치(Codefetch) 같은 기존 코드 검색 웹사이트와 달리 개발자들이 검색된 코드나 문서 자료에 주석을 달 수 있도록 해 차별화를 꾀할 것이다.
그리고 북마크 기능 및 검색결과 저장 기능을 넣어서 이메일로 링크를 보낼수있게 만들예정이다.

아직까지 분위기를 봐서는..
영!어!만 지원될듯하다;;

아.... 이죽일놈의 영어OTL
자세한 정보는 http://www.krugle.com 에서.. ㅎ
Posted by 장안동베짱e :